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NS life sucks..


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  • SRC Member

Hey guys.. Rec Blacknails reporting.. Been serving my BMT for 2mths already.. Have 2 more mths to go in tekong before I pass out.

I kinda don't know what's going on around in this forum or the world anymore.. Just doing the same old things in tekong again and again and again..

Lost 8.5kg so far.. Still have 2 more mths to go.

Good thing about BMT is that I've never felt fitter than now.. Bad thing is that I can only book out twice a week.. In all honesty I'd rather be going home and out with my girlfriend than anything else. But if I get into commanding school or bad unit, that trend will have to continue for quite some time more...

Oh yah.. My fish tank's a disaster too.. Sorry, AT...

Well, just here to give a big salute and say I miss this forum and you guys... And the hobby...

Time to double back to tekong...

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  • SRC Member

sad sad... tekong can book out ah?? I thought BMT 3 months cannot book out?? feel for u bro... How's life there? care to share? How's ur tank? dunno how I gonna maintain my tank when I go NS also..

Live and Let Live

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sad sad... tekong can book out ah?? I thought BMT 3 months cannot book out?? feel for u bro... How's life there? care to share? How's ur tank? dunno how I gonna maintain my tank when I go NS also..

I dun mind helping.. :lol:

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member
Well, just here to give a big salute and say I miss this forum and you guys... And the hobby...

Time to double back to tekong...

Big salute to u too bro. n take care.

Bevor Sie das Licht sehen, müssen Sie sterben!

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sad sad... tekong can book out ah?? I thought BMT 3 months cannot book out??

provided he sign on extra or confinement duties. what do I mean by sign on? ask the rest.

aiyah BMT is a breeze. don't mull over it. the real horror starts AFTER BMT. I miss being a recruit sometimes. sure you are the scum of the earth, the lowest of the low, but you just follow orders. anything that screws up is not your fault, it'd be the commanders fault. *provided it is legitimately their fault*

the only bad thing I can think of about BMT is the shitty hours and the lack of sleep you encounter. but its the same amount I encountered at unit whenever we had deployment or exercise. and don't even talk about range. you'd be lucky if you can squeeze in five hours of sleep for range. how to aim for marksmen, when you only have four hours of sleep and you are the advanced party? *go there early to set up stuff and do sai kang party.*

so when you go to unit, its a whole different ball game. *shrugs*

although I ended up eating snake most of the time in there. :P

relax, and enjoy what is left of Tekong. and oh, do try out the ice lemon tea near the ferry terminal. damn nice. and the roti prata there is delicious as well.

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out of my 2.5 years of service...I spent ard 14 mths as a trainee....this book out thing becomes almost non-existence for quite a while...

thing is to endure and ENJOY :lol:

Gush...miss those days....still got SOC?? :lol::lol::lol:

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  • SRC Member

what is SOC? i forget lah.... :P

now got aircon bus, eat fresh food,new light boots, new balance shoes,

cavelar helmets...... wah!!! shiok hor? but i missed most is the tiger beer

85 cents per can.heheehe!!!! no more color water, SAF really put flavor in it now.

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youngster these days still moan..haha..

kind of weak liao. now tekan session got limited, cookhouse

sub out to Singapore Food Industry. Last time cooks are like

ppl u n me 1, half cooked food also must eat.

Tekan with changing parade n parade square march for hours is norm..

one good thing out of it, u can make some really good frens..

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  • SRC Member

yah lor....................

after so much incident for the past one two years i think saf is going to wake up their idea already???????

tekan is a must if not soldier is not call soldier but BOY SCOUT ...................

heee going camping for 2.5 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


at least me came out of that bloody organisation already....................

night mare after 2.5 years...............

all sorts or nonsense.....

alert red





............................GUARD DUTY..................

is all over liao........

those who in bmt now must really cherish their time.........

cos it is the only time where u get to know wat is good life in the army....

good lucks all recruits............................

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youngster these days still moan..haha..

kind of weak liao. now tekan session got limited, cookhouse

sub out to Singapore Food Industry. Last time cooks are like

ppl u n me 1, half cooked food also must eat.

Tekan with changing parade n parade square march for hours is norm..

one good thing out of it, u can make some really good frens..

yeap....... :lol: had a bunch of nice frenz from army........ we still do hang out once in a while....... till now....... make the most out of it........ :P

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its alright..

but can't stand some of the ######..

I remember one "Air" level chum, crying n make the whole

platoon being tekan cause he got some personal problem with gf..

wah pian.. n his ABC slang..

army is teamwork. alot of selfish guys u can see around..

I ate a few for breakfast during my time there.. haha..

life not as easy, lack of sleep is one main problem I faced.

those NCO like to rotate each nite, talk bird n sing song.. wah pian.. go

to bath ard 11pm+, then got nite snack, listen to different

on duty NCO talked abt his bull story or ask u abt your personal

life.. sux.. next day still got lesson.. how to concentrate man.

now reservist life is better.

most "ah kar liao", do things quite automatic..

who cannot finish, we help out abit. of course

lazier ones get push abit..


not fun. imagine under the sun for hours..

those who cannot follow kenna tekan, usually whole platoon kenna.

then while tekan got a few chow keng one, like cannot take the punishment,

first to fall, then cries abit, the rest follow thru the punishment..

then at nite, he will received some additional goodies.. of course

must differentiate ah gua, real weakling from the chow keng.

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what is SOC? i forget lah.... :P

now got aircon bus, eat fresh food,new light boots, new balance shoes,

cavelar helmets...... wah!!! shiok hor? but i missed most is the tiger beer

85 cents per can.heheehe!!!! no more color water, SAF really put flavor in it now.

SOC...Standard Obstacle Course...the one that makes you want to have diahorrea and hide in the toilet before it.... :P

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  • SRC Member

u will hate it one day u step in the SAF PARADE SQUARE............

one small mistakes can lead u run round the perimeter wif rifle on top of ur head..........

dun worry bro is small

is like 4x the soccer field perimeter.....................

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SOC...Standard Obstacle Course...the one that makes you want to have diahorrea and hide in the toilet before it.... :P

always got the empty stomach feeling when preparing for SOC..

no monetary award, but still remember fighting for timing with

platoon mates.. ah those will the days.. super fit.. :eyebrow:

* pat stomach *

alamak.. go for lunch liao. :)

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drill? SAF? either you have a seow on RSM who demands everything to be INCH perfect or one who couldn't be bothered. either that or whichever DI/DO is taking you...

I had fun eating snake in there sometimes. but wah lau, my superiors were complete...a-holes. I don't mind the physical torture, but I hated the mental torture they gave me sometimes. didn't even allow me to book out when my godmother landed in hospital due to a coma and she almost died. I had to personally beg my OC over the phone to let me go. and we were on a lull then *rest of company went for range. I got marksman so don't need to go.*

although the fun part was doing NDP. really eat snake and do nothing. hahaha. just ask some one in this forum. provided he wants to own up. :P

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