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To graze, or not to graze


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  • SRC Member

Forgive the corny rip-off from Shakespeare, I couldn't resist it! :lol:

Should urchins be used to graze LR? Read an article somewhere that stated grazing by urchins will actually encourage more coralline growth. Wouldn't the exposed LR surface allow for a better foothold for nuisance algae instead?

Any input will be greatly appreciated!


Hong Yee

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  • SRC Member

Well, I have no experience with Urchins, but I agree with what's written here... nuisance algae (green hair etc...) will grow OVER coralline and choke them to their death.

Also, from the other posts about Urchins, they actually EAT coralline, rather than encourage their growth. By that same token, coralline will grow faster than the Urchin can eat them (I think).

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  • SRC Member

what kind of urchin is it?

some eat meat like your inverts...


i read somewhere that some hermits eat CA too, but spread it

when they $h!t, and the CA grow from there.

maybe its the same for urchins?

i also have no exp with them,

i was tempted cos they feed on detritus too

but decided not too as they require lots of space

and are clumsy.

but i have to agree and disagree...

green algae, again depending on what kind, will usually give way to CA if the water parems are good.

good luck though


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  • SRC Member
Well, I have no experience with Urchins, but I agree with what's written here... nuisance algae (green hair etc...) will grow OVER coralline and choke them to their death.

Also, from the other posts about Urchins, they actually EAT coralline, rather than encourage their growth. By that same token, coralline will grow faster than the Urchin can eat them (I think).

Scraping, chewing and scratching coralline releases many tiny coralline fragments and spores in the water which settle elsewhere. So the urchins can be said to spread coralline because they eat messily.

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