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DA, I tot u keep tangs in your tank too? your tank is really olympic sized huh? must visit one day

Thats why all my tang all small small one..... and i choose species seldom grow big one... i nv say need swimming pool....... i say bigger tank for delicate tang like AT cos its the best way that an AT can thrive(see morgan tank and you know what i mean)......

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eh get a 2inch sohal and let it kik one time see can reach end to end in a 10feet tank or not... probably not ;)  ;)  ;)

or you can put 20x 6100 tunze at full blast for 240,000 l/h so even the 11" sized sohal also cannot one kick reach the other side of a 8 ft tank :P

Got 2" sohal??? introl ah.. smallest I've seen is ard 4" at PM today.

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Got $$$ earn one or not? Can I join your gang? The cheong kong tangs I put in my tank lor.....

Got US$10 for each tangs i confiscate......... oh ya i dun put the tang into my tank...... ok telll you a secret, tang police actually have their own tang airline to fetch the confiscated tang back to their home town

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or you can put 20x 6100 tunze at full blast for 240,000 l/h so even the 11" sized sohal also cannot one kick reach the other side of a 8 ft tank :P

Got 2" sohal??? introl ah.. smallest I've seen is ard 4" at PM today.

The sohal will die..... ;);):lol::lol:

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Got US$10 for each tangs i confiscate......... oh ya i dun put the tang into my tank...... ok telll you a secret, tang police actually have their own tang airline to fetch the confiscated tang back to their home town

wow the tang got free air ticket one....

when my tangs get too big I send them to you then you fly them back to their home town can or not?

Then you go tell them and drill into their pig brains not to get caught again hor. Else I also cannot save them.

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wow the tang got free air ticket one....

when my tangs get too big I send them to you then you fly them back to their home town can or not?

Then you go tell them and drill into their pig brains not to get caught again hor. Else I also cannot save them.

can can will arrange a trip for your tangs once they get too big... dun worry they will be tag and monitored..... most diver wun collect tagged tangs ;););)

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So how big exactly do an AT need to thrive?

the bigger the merrier(how big do you think you can provide)..... of course common sense tells you that if you have a smaller tank go for small AT like what bro weileong did.....

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So how big exactly do an AT need to thrive?

Anyway i only can advise and not stop you from buying.....I probably wun come after you..........

I am hunting bro weileong cos told ya he reveal his fish too openly and ttas why must come after him or else ppl say i nv do my job

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Dun worry everything will be arrange

Do I get free air tickets (first class of course) to go visit them once a yr?

wow not too bad lei if I release 5 of them then I get to fly to hawaii 5 times a year. Then I hand carry back a few more. Maybe end up I no need to work just keep flying there. :yeah::yeah::yeah:

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You must know that all these tangs are not in one tanks hor...... like my chevy is the size of the ones at Iwana today, so small... don't see carefully cannot even see in my tank lol.

Wow lau must hide from DA liao.

wahaha thats the challengw...anyway before you my frne bought one :lol::lol::lol: think abit smaller than the one you see :lol::lol:

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Do I get free air tickets (first class of course) to go visit them once a yr?

wow not too bad lei if I release 5 of them then I get to fly to hawaii 5 times a year. Then I hand carry back a few more. Maybe end up I no need to work just keep flying there. :yeah::yeah::yeah:

Yah you get to sit on top of the plane..... well maybe not hmm in the cargo area then when arrive skin you alive and throw you into the sea and be the tangs slave :lol::lol::lol:

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