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weileong's 2ft cube FOWLR


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  • SRC Member

yup. even mine has a couple of 'white dots' ard but as bro WL says, it shd be fine as long as it's eating and looking active.

guess we are all kanjiong cos it's really precious to us. i bet if bro WL's capt kenna ich, he won't care at all hor... ;)

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  • SRC Member

So nice to hear @ all your great ATs.

Mine just disappeared yesterday and I believed it has died (as expected the day before it disappeared)

I kept mine (@2.5inch) since early Dec 03, eating nori (soaked in garlic) VERY well and has great apetite.

@ 3 weeks ago, the fish developed ich. It's still very active & eating well, but the ich remained. I bought CS and neon goby, but they couldn't defeat the ich.

On Sat, the condition worsened and the fish (out of the norm) swam to the top left corner of the tank and I knew its time was near. :cry2::cry2::cry2:

The cause of the ich: I suspect that my tank (3ftx1.5x1.5) is too small for it, even though it has all the space. So, no more AT until I got a bigger tank.

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  • SRC Member


If Cpt Chao kanna Ich and get very bad I will execute him

Wah Zan. Ich only why wanna execute? :blink:


Jia you. I always believe if the fish has the will to survive, it can fight off any nonsense even other fish attacking it. else, it'll just give up.

never give up, we shall await your larger tank and AT!

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