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weileong's 2ft cube FOWLR


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Just added a "one spot butterfly" and "lunula butterfly" and bicolor angel. All from CF.

The golden angel and naso reported back this evening and morning respectively. Hiak..... no more fish from Paris Ris anymore :P


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juz wondering bro, so many tangs.....r they of compatabile sizes or S,M,L :lol:

Juz got a 2.5inch clown tang couple of days ago...now under quarantine but has started feeding so dunno will kena whack by AT 5inch and Sailfin 4.5inch. :rolleyes: if intro into main tank


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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hmm....AT is the boss in my tank. Always find fault with sailfin, as my AT is a strict vegetarian so he dun go for mysis but always disturb the sailfin frm havin his's shrimp meal. :lol:


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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hmm....AT is the boss in my tank. Always find fault with sailfin, as my AT is a strict vegetarian so he dun go for mysis but always disturb the sailfin frm havin his's shrimp meal. :lol:

My salifin is abt 25% larger than the AT so the AT does not give too much trouble to him. It's the other way round in my tank, salifin always looking for trouble with sohal, yellow tang, blue tang etc :P

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My salifin is abt 25% larger than the AT so the AT does not give too much trouble to him. It's the other way round in my tank, salifin always looking for trouble with sohal, yellow tang, blue tang etc :P

my yellow tang is the boss of my tank...although the fattest tang is sailfin..totally obese....does nothing but to eat and eat and eat....

sometimes it's too free nothing to do try to chase newcomers around and trying to be funny...but after awhile..back to eating again...but i notice nowadays my sohal chase after it....sohal is much younger... :lol:

yellow tang is a bully....AT is a leader and it leads by the calm composure the way swims in my tank...and sailfin? just greedy and fat and that's all about it :lol:

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ah... you got the 2nd one? Let me guess, you got the one at the lower rack but on the right?

Butterfly are not really high maintenance if you can get them to eat prepared food.

yep, how did you guessed? BTW, the color of the chevron in the pic looks different than the one in your signature.which is the real colour?

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the latest photo should be the "real" color. The one in the signature is taken on the day I released it into my tank and that's also the day of the shipment. Could be still a little stressed. Now the darker red is out already :P

I didn't guess but yours would be the obvious choice cos I had a hard time deciding between these two. Eventually I picked mine because it was pecking on the LR :P

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