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weileong's 2ft cube FOWLR


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I bought the 2ft setup because I need the cabinet space to store some supporting equipment (like CF, CO2 cylinder, kalk reactor etc) for the 4ft reef.

Then I planned it as a seahorse ###### softies tank.

Later the idea was abandoned so since I already got the MH light so I just use it. I just on it when I need to view the tank so the power consumption would not be that high but I will change to PL or T5 in due time.

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I bought the 2ft setup because I need the cabinet space to store some supporting equipment (like CF, CO2 cylinder, kalk reactor etc) for the 4ft reef.

Then I planned it as a seahorse ###### softies tank.

Later the idea was abandoned so since I already got the MH light so I just use it. I just on it when I need to view the tank so the power consumption would not be that high but I will change to PL or T5 in due time.

Might as well change to a good FL.

In long run save plus no need to use any fan at all.

MH IMO, only for reef. sell away your MH lohz.

but MH does gives u a ripple lighting kind of look associate with the sea.. ;)

I am supplementing my MH with arcadia actinic blue. it does

look nice like deep sea kind of look. (when MH asleep)

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I am not sure abt compatibility as I already have a golden angel in the tank. Will adding a bicolor, flame and coral beauty cause any problem? Anyone?

all drawf angels..?

there may b some conflicts

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So who said reef tank setup is more expensive than FOWLR?

Eventhough in the reef tank you need to invest heavily on the equipment to ensure perfect water quality, at least you don't have to buy LS to be wasted by the butterfly. hehehe

I'm just wondering if the butterfly start to pick on the anemone and it decides to up lorry, won't that be dangerous as it may crash the tank?

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So who said reef tank setup is more expensive than FOWLR?

Eventhough in the reef tank you need to invest heavily on the equipment to ensure perfect water quality, at least you don't have to buy LS to be wasted by the butterfly. hehehe

I'm just wondering if the butterfly start to pick on the anemone and it decides to up lorry, won't that be dangerous as it may crash the tank?

The anemone is just a very small one, coin size, if it up the lorry it won't affect the water too.

But definately once they start pecking I will be feeding frozen food and will not let the anemone rot in the tank.

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  • SRC Member
I am not sure abt compatibility as I already have a golden angel in the tank. Will adding a bicolor, flame and coral beauty cause any problem? Anyone?

Back then in my 4feet, my coral beauties chased after my flame whenever it came out from the rocks. My bet...put both two fish at the same time if you really want. And buy same size? :rolleyes:

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you sure you wanna this type of no color mushroom? Comes with my LR one :P

Now I probably need to hunt for a very cheap brain for the butterfly :P

Wah...your fish really acquire a gourmet diet... :rolleyes:

brains...anemones...mushies...just like humans eating birdnest, caviar and sharkfins... :lol::lol::lol:

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My coral beauties chased after my flame whenever it came out from the rocks. My bet...put both two fish at the smae time if you really want. And buy same size? :rolleyes:

Nah as long as your tank is small... dwarf angel will wack each other till you wun see the the loser again(not surely die but too shy to come out)

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Thanks bro. Been visiting a few LFS these few days. Wow the "weather's" pretty "hot" huh?


Yah...must take more herbal tea. :P


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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  • SRC Member

Another interesting thread started.

Btw, sharing the same sump as your reef tank, won't you not concern abt the bioloads and pollution?

Deepblue, my tank will welcome any adult naso tangs..... :evil:

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Deepblue, my tank will welcome any adult naso tangs.....

sure...wait till it overgrows my wife's 6 ft tank next year (project shelved to next year :( )

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My powder blue has reported back. Was bullied by the purple tang. I shall give up on powder blue as I've lost 3 of them so far. Really no luck with them. Even getting those eating ones from CF also no luck.

LS update in the tank:

1. 2" Purple tang

2. 2.5" Naso

3. 2.5" Black back butterfly

4. 2" meyer's butterfly

5. 3" watchman goby

6. 2" golden angel

The rest not listed here all up lorry.

Full house already :P

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