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fishes to give


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  • SRC Member

have 1x picasso trigger (4")

1x green chromis

3x 4 stripe damsels 1.5"

1 x yellow damsel

Got to clear my holding tnks so:

all to go F.O.C or swop with anythin unwanted(even harvested macro algaes)- i'm in Tampines

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  • SRC Member

derf, how big is your tank?? i have seen bawater's fishes.. if u want the trigger.. it is ok.. no problem.. it is ok to go with the fishes..

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Triggers are unpredictable.

Some become terrors over time, known to kill other tank inhabitants... and to take chunks of flesh off their owners.

Believe me... when you go diving and you see a big titan trigger rushing at you... you'll swim faster than a hungry barracuda! :lol:

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  • SRC Member

yes derf, how big is ur tank?

Its now in a 2ft cause its still relatively small...but in time it will grow(maybe 1yr more to go)

mixing is no problems- it came from a tnk with damsels,tangs,clowns.

Actually, it doesn't disturb anyone else.

Its also doesn't disturb much invertebrates-

U can't mix it wif any kind of shrimps(cause i feed him live feeders), NO clams- he's got a taste for them. other than that very docile.

Just keep him fed,the rubbish bin will eat any of the following>- frozen bloodworms,frozen BS/live BS,frozen Mysis,anykind of pellet food,tetra bits,fresh squid,fresh prawns,live prawns-Dried krill(those LH kind also can).

i would advise against hand feeding unless u trained it.

p.s- if u got ur hand in the tnk & it comes near just flick it(kuity) wif ur finger & it learns not to eat ur finger while u do ur stuff.

AT-- yeh i was so close to a 15" clown trigger in redang i could count its white teeth(2 on top & 3 on the bottom a cm each) it ripped thru my bag of bread still in my hands. All i can manage to think is !friggin beautifull!

& the clown trig is still my fav. a dream maybe in the very distant future.

commands too high a price so i want a 4ft tnk just for it alone.

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  • SRC Member

3ft- ok, should not be a problem for bio-load.

bacteria should take abt a week after introduction to compensate to the slight increase.

it won't stay still for a pic........will try for one ,i guess u know what they look like.

green chromis?

i dunno what to do wif the damsels.

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  • SRC Member

yep, but they seldom on sale too.

same as the queen trig.

O.niger(black wif white teeth) & picasso are the most common-

both can mix wif other fishes. i had them both & just recently got rid of the O.niger.

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k, i took a pic last nite

leave me ur mail add & i send u.

(posting takes up too much of my hosting bandwith- i got limited)

if u like then can set up meeting & i pass u. No rush

before u ask- thk but no i dun want dottyback(the last one i had ate 2 of my candy shrimps)

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no worries.. me fishes are big.. furthermore, i have a snowflake moray eel inside.. hahaha..

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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  • SRC Member


ur not gonna take the fish to feed ur eel rite??? tho i trying to get rid of it but i still hope it can find a nice new hm.... :P


erm... not sure if it's a bi-color dotty. it's got a yellow body n pink strip running down it's head to it's tail. n erm... i'm not interested in damsels anymore... u shld understand. :rolleyes:

anyone who wants tis fish of mine, pls bring watever tools u hv to try fishing it out of my tank. :D alternatively, care to advise me on hw to get it out??? tis bugger shoots in n out of the LR like nopbady's business! can't seem to be able to catch it!!!! :(

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  • SRC Member

Hello derf

the bi-colour dotty's body is divided distintively with 2 colours of yellow and pink/purple. Its as if someone has half painted the fish one colour each end...

ya... it is very difficult to catch small fishes in a tanks with liverocks...

wonder how to do lure in into the net or trap... :-)

BTW, where you stay?

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oic... hmm... as i said, mine's got a yellow body wif pink on top. but when i looked at it last nite, i find it's pink color fading... know the reason?

i stay behind holland village. wat abt urself?

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  • SRC Member

frederick.. nah.. me not gonna feed it to my eel lah..

it could be signs of aging.. my bi-color benny lost its yellow color of its tail when it got old.. how to tell.. i also dun know.. coz it was with me for 1.5 yrs.. and my friend had it for 1+ yr... so.. in 3 yrs... it could be a lot.. lets not forget.. we dun know how old it is when it was caught..

sigh.. there is not way to catch that chap out of your tank.. i had great difficulty too..

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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  • SRC Member
frederick.. nah.. me not gonna feed it to my eel lah..

it could be signs of aging.. my bi-color benny lost its yellow color of its tail when it got old.. how to tell.. i also dun know.. coz it was with me for 1.5 yrs.. and my friend had it for 1+ yr... so.. in 3 yrs... it could be a lot.. lets not forget.. we dun know how old it is when it was caught..

sigh.. there is not way to catch that chap out of your tank.. i had great difficulty too..

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i suggest using fishing hooks and bait.. ahahaha..

huh? when i first got it, it was still pretty tiny leh... hmm... so as it grows its color will fade? sounds like our hair. the older we grow, we get more white hairs... hehe....

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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