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2 ft tank for 2 tangs, 2 clownfishes, 1 shrimp & 1 cleaning wrasse

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Hello! i currently have a freshwater tank but wish to try out saltwater!

i am looking for a 2 ft marine tank with cabinet, hood. preferably IOF system because i know 2ft cannot possibly contain both sump + possible chiller if need be. have been to Jireh and currently, the 2ft tank package seems like the most cost-effective option i have (vis a vis Redsea Max170D/Redsea Reefer 170 and buying the item separately)

i am looking to keep 1 blue/yellow OR 1 powder blue, and 2 clownfishes, 1 shrimp and 1 or 2 cleaner wrasse and perhaps some easy corals to brighten up the display tank.

wish to seek advice of senior here on where can i get alternatives to 2 ft marine tank (im open to having 2nd hand) and how do i sustain the said fishes in this tank..

appreciate any help pls!

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Might be possible if your tangs are just small tangs. Like how LFS keep all tang in a small tank. However when it start growing, it surely need more space to swim.

I don't mind to go more in-depth just feel free to ask any of us.

Most important is about cycling the tank and keeping the water cold

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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