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Fauna Marin BactoBlend & BactoTherapy


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What is the difference between Bacto Blend and Bacto Therapy ?


Bacto Blend is our all-rounder, with the highest number of different bacteria types. In addition, there are special phototrophic bacteria that ensure a stable nutrient degradation and are highly effective. All our bacteria come from German companies and are harmless in their application.


Bacto Therapy, on the other hand, is a mixture of special bacteria that are more concerned with the degradation of solid nutrients such as mulm and detritus. They displace unwanted coatings and bacteria (cyanos). The bacteria can also be used against dinoflagellates.


In addition, added probiotic bacteria cultures reduce the odor of the water and the number of pathogenic germs, thus increasing the resistance of your animals.


Both products complement each other ideally and are coordinated with each other. The mixing ratio should be 60 % Bakto Blend and 40 % Bakto Therapy.


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