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Return Pump to use


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Hi Domino,

I am using the Laguna Pump 5 external. No problem at all!!


Previous Tank 3 x 2.5 x 2 ft since year 2005. 23 Jan 2009 fully decom my 3ft. Now only left 24"x14"x16" and I am very happy cos can see all my fish in near range.. haha

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You have to take into consideration what you intend to do with your return pump... if you get one with pressure rating you will get a much higher turnover in your tank, you may even do away with more powerheads and reduce unsightliness!

Most people have weak return pumps so they supplement it with powerheads. Tunze streams are better, however they do cost much much more than a cheap return pump. ;) Of course again, the lower power consumption is offset by the price tag. (but its an awesome product).

If you have a good beckett skimmer (Reef Maniac series, BAR, Aerofoamer etc),  you should increase the water return rate into the sump to make full use of your skimmer.

All these will count into the overall system performance.

My 2 cents.


Hi AT,

Can 3 ft tank ( main 3x2x2.5ft and sump 2.5x1.5x1.5ft) use the resun MD40 or MD55 as return pump? Will it be overpowered which causes high current flow in the tank? ;)



Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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Hi AT,

Can 3 ft tank ( main 3x2x2.5ft and sump 2.5x1.5x1.5ft) use the resun MD40 or MD55 as return pump? Will it be overpowered which causes high current flow in the tank? ;)


If I have a choice, I'll go for the highest flow return pump my overflow pipe can take.........the higher the turnover rate = the more times the water is filtered = super duper clean water = happy LS :-)

I think there's no such thing as over current.........I hope my turnover rate can match the sea.


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Hi JC,

I got mine 2nd hand from bro barracuda. actually meant for temp. but since no good pump around use first for cycling purpose.

I understand from one of the thread, the Utility pump 5 is selling at $125 ( 1 think) at superstar .....

hope this help.


Previous Tank 3 x 2.5 x 2 ft since year 2005. 23 Jan 2009 fully decom my 3ft. Now only left 24"x14"x16" and I am very happy cos can see all my fish in near range.. haha

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