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Help urgent. Need advise!


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My new chiller just arrived ytd evening and I setup immediately to let run with my tank. But turned this morning, all my snails and cleaner shrimp died. Also, the worst part is my corals all closed up and I can see my bird nest started to die off. I changed half a tank of W/C. Until now corals are still close up. Fishes are still response to food. Seeking advise from professional out there.


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Wrong place to post so it may be shifted.. u mentioned that you installed a chiller? Could it have malfunctioned and chilled your tank down too much?

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I think your tank got a shock when it drop from 30 to 25. But nonetheless snail and shrimp shouldnt die from this.

Did you run the chiller through tap water to remove all the impurities within the chiller itself? If not, i'm guessing there might be residual copper which caused this?

Btw, what brand chiller is it? 

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It wouldn't be a shock if the chiller chilled the tank down as per normal (which is over a couple of hours), more likely like what daveyy mentioned, residue from the chiller internal pipes were flushed into your tank. try running some activated carbon in a bag in a high flow area of your sump.

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Notify the mod to shift it for you.
I think your tank got a shock when it drop from 30 to 25. But nonetheless snail and shrimp shouldnt die from this.
Did you run the chiller through tap water to remove all the impurities within the chiller itself? If not, i'm guessing there might be residual copper which caused this?
Btw, what brand chiller is it? 

I never know that need to run chiller with tap water first. Probably there are copper released from the new chiller. I dumped Seachem Prime this morning alr when I did w/c

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2 minutes ago, Reefboy said:



I never know that need to run chiller with tap water first. Probably there are copper released from the new chiller. I dumped Seachem Prime this morning alr when I did w/c

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Seachem prime or any other reducing agent will reduce the safe copper form into the toxic form. i suggest you run activated carbon ASAP.

EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

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