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Can keep 2 or more powder blue tangs together ?

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I had kept:

1 blue tang, 1 powder brown tang, 1 yellow eye kole, 1 Naso and 1 bristle mouth in a 5-footer..... they all lived happily ever after

I am saying same speices especially acanthurus together.... <_<<_< think my english kinda bad :lol::lol::lol:

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In the wild, tangs have their own space to retreat from aggressors. Such vital space is normally not present in aquaria. The dominant tang will perceive the other tangs as intruders into its territory. And if not given enough hiding places, the poor bullied tang(s) will forever be viewed as a constant intruder, being chased down and wacked. To keep more than 1 type of tang in the same tank in the long run, you will need 2 things. One will be space, the other will be large amounts of barriers to break visual contact. Definitely I would not suggest mixing the same species together. This is rather impossible unless you are thinking of about preferably 5 or more tangs of the same species. This will help to spread out the interspecific aggression. Anything 4 or less will be rather unstable. But then again your tank will need to be HUGE.

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member

yea my thoughts exactly... but according to thioeh he's kept 2 PBT's togetehr b4... hmm.. ur tank how big? different species less aggression better still is different genus.. I personally keep three tangs as shwon in my signature... Paracanthurus Hepatus, Ctenochaetus Striatus and Zebrasoma Flavescens.

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