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Clam growth


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  • SRC Member

To all clam lovers/owners out there ....

i have kept clams for the last 4 mths ..... would like to know how to you guys tell whether the clams is growing ?? ... got a few ideas from reading threads at RC but hard to c what exactly they are reffering to especially for a new bird like me .... can someone shed some light on this topic ....

tanzy ??


Hongixian ....

SPade ....

Harlequin ..... ???


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  • SRC Member

For small clams (<5") you can actually measure the length and know that it is getting larger. For all clams, a good indication of growth are fresh white scutes, especially for croceas that are no longer embedded in the rocks so their scutes don't get worn down anymore. Generally you just count the number of scutes every year.

Some reefers in US will weigh their clams regularly!


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  • SRC Member

One way is to shake the water out of the clam or another way is to use an underwater scale where you measure the relative weight instead of mass.


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  • SRC Member

at least you are better than me ... me still figuring out the controller and probe dah !! :paiseh:

guess we all can learn from each other ... more to learn for me/us from pple like morgan/AT/Tanzy ...... u know all the "OLD" guys .... or should i say morgie ?! :upsidedown::whistle


sorry morgan ..... juz had to do that ... now i'm in deep s#@t :shock:

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  • SRC Member
  mv3i said:
at least you are better than me ... me still figuring out the controller and probe dah !! :paiseh:

guess we all can learn from each other ... more to learn for me/us from pple like morgan/AT/Tanzy ...... u know all the "OLD" guys .... or should i say morgie ?! :upsidedown::whistle


sorry morgan ..... juz had to do that ... now i'm in deep s#@t :shock:

only happen that my bro is in aircon business, juz so i can check with him :P

Morgan, when is the next Coral Seminar ?? :yeah:

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juz had to do that ... now i'm in deep s#@t

mv31 you're in deep sh.. now :lol:

Morgan, when is the next Coral Seminar ?? 

spade, what seminar? Am I suppose to conduct one?


I don't feed my clams. Good lighting is enough.

I also don't add supplement either.

One thing to note is to maintain high level calcium and alkilinity.

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  • SRC Member

hey morgan ...

someone started it ..... :blink::whistle

anyway , clams are directly under the MH on the sand bed .... no feeding but the usual iodine, kalk dose ....

was trying to find the white growth on the clam .... :ph34r: nothing leh .... wishful thinking lah .... but will look out for them ....


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  • SRC Member
  mv3i said:
To all clam lovers/owners out there ....

i have kept clams for the last 4 mths ..... would like to know how to you guys tell whether the clams is growing ?? ... got a few ideas from reading threads at RC but hard to c what exactly they are reffering to especially for a new bird like me .... can someone shed some light on this topic ....

tanzy ??


Hongixian ....

SPade ....

Harlequin ..... ???


When they have intense colour and thrive, they are growing :) no need to worry about growth rate.

As for abalone, they live in quite cold waters. But there are some small species like the Donkey's ear abalone that crawl around eating algae.

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