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My First Reef Tank


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Decided to get into reefing after a lot of research during the Circuit breaker period. I've been keeping planted tanks for about a year now and I decided to take a plunge into the salty side of things! Took the time to cycle my tank for over a month too since no livestock could be added then!  Here is my tank after 2 months! I guess this tank build could be considered a rather cost effective tank build as I'm currently still studying and I decided to try to find the best equipment that I could get that fell within my budget (which took a lot of researching and reading up HAHA). Really thankful for the more senior reefers here on this forum as well as really helpful LFSes who have helped me in this journey and even donated corals to me! 

FTS 19 July 2020.jpg

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7 minutes ago, dtye said:

Nice tank . Tell us more :D

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Thank you!!:lol: Hmmm currently the equipment i have on this tank include a Spectra Aquaknight V2, the return pump that came together with the tank and a dymax IQ skimmer, a fan and a jebao wavemaker! It's only a small 30L tank i got from Pinnacle Aquatics during the circuit breaker period :D I started out with dry rocks and livesand from Caribsea to prevent unwanted hitchhikers along the way! Initially I wanted to just keep softies and maybe a few LPS frags later on but a kind reefers donated SPS frags to me! So far they have been alright in my tank so hopefully I'll be able to keep them happy! I have much to learn from reefers here :lol:


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Very nice setup. SPS will need colder tank with high flow. Keep trying and share the update with us.
Will do currently I'm limited to only a fan due to budget and space:( occasionally if the temperature goes over 28°C, I'll put ice packs in a ziplock bag and place it into the tank to cool it down

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Oops looking back at my photos, I realised it's only been a month since i started adding livestock:lol: there were some challenges along the way too, like having aiptasia in the first week of adding livestock and a brooklynella scare all within this month! Also struggled with attaching xenia and mushroom corals to rocks since they slimed a lot HAHA

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Experiencing my first mushroom reproduction! Realised my baby yuma is going through pedal laceration and there's a small mushroom growing from the foot it left behind Decided to glue the shell it was growing on onto its own rock before it floats away this baby yuma came together with the huge yuma whose the centerpiece of my tank It's really these little things that makes this hobby so addictive to me 20200720_194825.thumb.jpeg.491d66f1cc22d604d106bb0f1d5c9ed9.jpeg1595246275193.thumb.jpeg.8d5b48efb4189db024e9805b5fd64825.jpeg


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Just acquired this small frag of japanese toadstool from another reefer 2 days ago and it's finally starting to open up I've been looking for long tentacle toadstool with white tips for a really long time and I'm glad to have found it being sold by the nice reefer who passed me a few SPS frags awhile back.

Realised the green pavona he passed me is also getting really hairy and it's growing rather fast, creeping towards the edge of the frag plug

The kryptonite candycane is also becoming fluffy with really fat polyps!

I think with all these growth I may have to start dosing soon been thinking of using tropic marin all-for-reef! Looking for advice from senior reefers about dosing! Do PM me 20200724_163641.jpeg20200724_163746.jpeg1595580435952.jpeg

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First mini fish setback!! My baby clown had some white spots yesterday, probably due to the stress from his wound he got while snatching food with his mate isolated him and treated him with some copper. The white spots and his mouth wound got healed quite quickly in the isolation tank! Had to put him back into the display tank since he looked quite lethargic towards the night . He looks clean today! Hope a proper diet will help him to develop a strong immunity towards ich!

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Tank updates 28/7/2020!!:D

1.  A few new additions to my zoa collection! A reefer passed me quite a bit of horizon zoas over the weekend! I removed them from the frag plug and glued them down onto a rock to allow them to slowly grow over the rock over time.   


Managed to pick up a 5 polyp frag of rastas zoa (i think) from Ah Beng for just $3! I guess the excitement of going to LFS-es is digging around the frag tanks to see what hidden gems they have. 


2. Added a new critter! Got this pom pom crab from Pinnacle! I was afraid that his anemones will sting the corals in the tank, but it seems that he's been quite careful with his pom poms! Now i hardly see him until the lights go out (or the occasional appearance during feeding) HAHA! Interesting little fella! 


3. I've also started feeding reef nutrition's chroma boost to the fishes. Surprisingly the greedier clownfish (the female) prefers to eat prime reef flakes while the male prefers chroma boost. I guess he has better taste HAHA 

4. Been struggling a bit with suspected ich for the male clownfish. Some context behind how it came about. The male clownfish had a mouth injury while snatching food with the female clownfish awhile back and the wound's conditions was up and down. Soon, i spotted some white spots on him, which would go away after a day. Last week, it got a bit worse and I had to treat him in a hospital tank with copper. The parasite dropped off within a few hours and his mouth wound became better. However, he looked a bit lethargic and tired and I decided to return him back to the tank. Yesterday, I spotted 1 or 2 white spots again, and I checked with reefers on this forum about what i should do. A few reefers adviced me to continue feeding him since he's still eating well. I also started the fishes on Aquaforest's Fish V for added vitamins. As of today, he is eating well and there are no longer any white spots on his body! I hope he will build up a stronger immunity to fight off ich! 

5. Surprisingly, I found copepods today!  Was a little surprised since I've always dipped my corals and I've not seeded the tank with copepods before! Interesting how these little copepods entered the tank! 

3 months have also passed since I first added water into the tank! I've received much help and kindness from more senior reefers in this forum and I hope to be able to pass on the kindness be it through advice or free frags one day when my tank is more developed! I was watching one of Inappropriate Reefer's older videos that day and he was talking about how reefing is different and interesting when others come together to share frags and knowledge with each other. I must say that has been true for me as well and I totally agree with what he said! I've also made many friends through the international reefing community on Instagram and I've had many interesting and insightful discussion with reefers on this platform! Reefing is indeed different when done with friends and I'm really thankful for the community here in Singapore. 

Thanks for all who have read up till this point! HAHA long post but much has happened over the weekend! Finally here is a full tank picture and a picture of the zoa garden that I'm trying to grow out (although colonies are small now) 




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