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1 month old tank

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  • SRC Member
  sam_always said:

got a 1 month old cycled 2 ft tank. Finished cycle 1 week ago. Changed 30% water. NH3 0, NO2 0 and NO3 10. has already got 2 clown fish inside. Can i start put in some softies like mushroom or torch coral?

Not sure what clowns you have, if it is occellaris or percula, thay may not be too hardy or the best fish to introduce to a new tank, go for damsels (green chromis, not aggressive ones vs the rest) as they are more hardy.

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Stocking of softies like mushroom should be ok. If you do it slowly. Zoos will also be a good choice. Uhhh........ torch coral is hard coral (LPS) so maybe you should hold on.

Stocking with clowns as 1st fish is ok. They are quite hardy. Don't be blinded by the fact that stocking with hardy fishes like damsels and chromis is a must for new tank. Damsels, other than clowns who are also damselfishes, (Siput you're right on) can grow to be very aggressive and territorial. this eventually can lead to problems with other non-aggressive fish which you want to introduce like gobies.

Chromis on the other hand is damn greedy. They'll finish off whatever food you put in before the other fishes can eat.

Whatever it is, stock slowly say 1 fish in 1 week. Check water parameters before stocking again. If water is not doing well, do water change and hold on stocking until the water condition returns to normal.

Juz my 2 cents.........Good luck

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  scarab said:
Stocking of softies like mushroom should be ok. If you do it slowly. Zoos will also be a good choice. Uhhh........ torch coral is hard coral (LPS) so maybe you should hold on.

Stocking with clowns as 1st fish is ok. They are quite hardy. Don't be blinded by the fact that stocking with hardy fishes like damsels and chromis is a must for new tank. Damsels, other than clowns who are also damselfishes, (Siput you're right on) can grow to be very aggressive and territorial. this eventually can lead to problems with other non-aggressive fish which you want to introduce like gobies.

Chromis on the other hand is damn greedy. They'll finish off whatever food you put in before the other fishes can eat.

Whatever it is, stock slowly say 1 fish in 1 week. Check water parameters before stocking again. If water is not doing well, do water change and hold on stocking until the water condition returns to normal.

Juz my 2 cents.........Good luck

i second bro scarab's advice. stock slowly and carefully. ;)

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  • SRC Member

Thanks alot... Trying to stock up slowly... my wife and me already very happy when seeing clown firsh swim here and there. my clown are 1 common clown and 1 tomoto clown.

Love banna wrasse, yellow tang, fire goby, mandarin, clean shrimp and blood shrimp. Which one should i put next? can advise?

What fish you have assillian?

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u might wanna start with cleaner shrimps and some clean up crew like turbo snail and hermit crabs....adding fishes will add on to more shit...without the clean up crew, detris will be collected on your sand bed and followed by ugly algae....

maybe sand shifting starfish and i think some gobbies do help...but not too sure of the name of those gobbies....experts help pls...thanks...

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  sam_always said:
hello assillian... ya... just a 2ft tank. My minister of finance not approve for 4ft.. so go for 2ft lo... LOL. will post some picture later. :)


gotta beware of the parameters, coz ur tank only 2 feet, the water volume pretty low, so gotta stock slowly.... and when its fully stocked and yet you got zero nitrates... den :bow::bow::bow:

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