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Majestic Angel

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  • SRC Member


Anyone has experience keeping the Majestic Angel in your tank without any mishaps?

Reason being I lost 2 of them mysteriously over a period of one month.

The 1st one was quarantined for 2 wks before transfering to the main tank but it disappeared after 2 days. Not even a trace of the floating carcass.

The 2nd one happened two days ago in the quarantine tank. Still managed to see the first on the 1st day but it then disappeared. The rest of the "quarantine" fishes (Koran Angel, Clown Surgeon, Purple Tank) are still ok.

Fyi, the 4ft quarantine tank contains only a few pieces of LR (about 20kgs) with hiding places and there is a Surface Skimmer, a Berlin Protein Skimmer, UV-C Sterilizer and a cannister. The only occupants in this tank at any time to maintain the tank parameters are clown n blue doctor fishes, anemones, etc.

Any explanation to this "disappearing" acts?


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How big is the fish?

I think this maybe what happened that caused the "disappearing acts".

Its possible that it died and after which got cleared up by the scavengers like crabs,bristleworms etc. hence no carcass. Their very efficient in cleaning up carcasses.

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That is a possibility for the main tank as there are two shrimps there but impossible for the quarantine tank as there are no shrimps, crabs, or any type of scavengers. There is a tank cover too.

It's really amazing ... here is the pic of my quarantine tank which is placed below my 6ft tank taken last nite. U can see the purple tank and surgeon as well as the clown clark and blue doctor.



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Ehm, may be it's not just dissapear, but i think the body is stuck to the rock cave, it is a common tragedy happen with dying fish, they will dast to the rock cave and will remain there until their last breath, so better you take your rock one by one and inspect the body inside the cave.

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hi. i am keeping a majestic angel in my reef tank. understand that it may be a threat to corals, but what the hell...

no problems keeping it. eating very well and comes out quite a lot considering that it is a very shy fish by nature.

i don't think majestic angels are prone to jumping, so it is probably dead in one of your rock caves... as asfur said, you better look for it and fish the body out. if not foul up your whole tank...

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OK .. Will turn every pc of rock upside down, inside out and feel evey rock cave to verify if the fish got "buried" in one of the caves.

Stay tuned ...


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  timzhiquan said:
hi. i am keeping a majestic angel in my reef tank. understand that it may be a threat to corals, but what the hell...

no problems keeping it. eating very well and comes out quite a lot considering that it is a very shy fish by nature.

i don't think majestic angels are prone to jumping, so it is probably dead in one of your rock caves... as asfur said, you better look for it and fish the body out. if not foul up your whole tank...

actually, i dun tink the majestic is not dat shy a fish, coz the adult one can grow up to 1' i tink, so, its not as timid as some other angels.... :)

Juz my 2 cts... :)

Vincent Ho

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Checked every pcs of LR and caves but still couldn't find the Majestic Angel carcass in the quarantine tank.

This is really, really strange and I just don't have any clue where it "disappeared" to!

Is there a Fish Buster I can call for help??? B)


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You're right .. my thoughts got buried into the deaths of the dsb. :rolleyes:

Time to move on ...


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Yes .. all my fishes are quarantine for about 2 weeks for observation before placing them in the main tank.

Before placing them, I fill half the bag with the quarantine tank water and "climatise" slowly with the main tank by clamping the bag with cloth peg. The water is chill at 26 deg C.

Then follow by 15% topping up the bag from the main tank and progressively every 15 mins or so until it is full. The big bag is aerated by air pump too. Very kiasu :D

Overall it takes about an hour before it is released into the main tank.


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Very Interesting indeed .... let us know how the fish behaves over the next few days.


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  wts684 said:
I have one majestic angel in my tank which I was bought last Friday. It is very shame, the size is about 90-100mm. :angry: Only appear when the light is off.


sometimes fishes take a few days to get used to the new environment, before that, they could be hiding for days, especially angels.... if the fish is pretty stress-free and healthy and stable, they'll probably get used faster, but normally fishes at LFS at pretty stressed due to the environment at the LFS and also the time they were kept in the bag during freight... :)

Give it another few days, and when it swims out, dun approach the tank, give it time to get accustomed... :)

Vincent Ho

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

Dear Vincent,

Thks for feedback. My majestic fish is now swim fine in tank. the only problem is he don't like frozen shrimp food. He just like to eat algae in tank. Any advise on this area?

Thks in advance.

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  wts684 said:
Dear Vincent,

Thks for feedback. My majestic fish is now swim fine in tank. the only problem is he don't like frozen shrimp food. He just like to eat algae in tank. Any advise on this area?

Thks in advance.


congrats, you have half the battle won, but honestly, if you dun get the fella to eat, he will still die, coz the diet is a mix of algae, sponge and plankton, pods etc.... :(

If he is swimming all the time in the open den good for you, try to let your frozen food thaw before feeding and use a little garlic, the fish might be attracted to the smell, it also possess properties that would help the fish against diseases. :)

If the fish is still half hiding and half swimming and still very scared to swim confidently in the open, den pray hard that he gathers courage to come out to the open to swim, make sure there are no fishes bullying it!If not the fella wun come out... :(

Lastly, if he still doesn't eat the frozen food, try going for BBS or Live BS, the live food movements may attract it to take a bite... :yeah:

Lastly, its a good practice to keep your fish in a beta box in the main tank and train it to eat before letting it go into your tank, if not, some of these fishes would never learn to eat... All my fishes dat were trained in the beta box acclimatise very well and eats well.. :)

Good Luck!

Juz my $0.02... :)

Vincent Ho

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Hi wts684, if you find troubles in feeding your angel, then try open mussel or scallops, crush crab claw, or chop/slice squid. Almost all healthy and unpoisoning angel are impossible to refuse this kind of food. Good luck.

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  wts684 said:
Hi what is BBS? BTW, where to buy for those mussel or scallops, crush crab claw, or chop/slice squid?

Thks a lot.

BBS = Baby Brine Shrimp... Htach yourself... :)

The rest of the stuff, u gotta get it at NTUC!! or wet market! :lol:

Vincent Ho

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  monster said:
mine has no problem. Also with it was a blue face angle. Both get along very well in a 3ft tank with just 1 piece of rock.

Good for you bro... but for others who intends to keep angels, it's good to have more rocks for them to graze and also, they need places to hide... :)

Juz my 2 cts...

Vincent Ho

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