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Seek help on Chiller advise


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Chillers are typically rated on what the manufacturers suggest regarding aquarium size. This is opposed to rated a chiller based on how much tempreture it has to take out of the water (which is more important).

As we live in a rather hot climate it is always best to over size the chiller so that you have efficient cooling. An undersized chiller will either be on 24/7 or constantly on/off, either way this reduces the life of the chiller, adds to the electric Bill's and worst still adds ambient heat into your room making the chillers job even harder! (That is unless you install it outside... which is highly recommended). So if you live in a well cooled house where the AC is on already it may not be as much of an issue, but if your house isn't consistently cool you may (and I would strongly suggest) want to go for one rated even bigger then 160L (possibly 300/400L min 1/10hp). Either way make sure any chiller has a digital tempreture controller and you get a pump that matches the recommended flow rate. Good luck. Hope it works out for you.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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