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  • SRC Member

hi all, me in need of advise...

the top pic is when lights are off, and the frogspawn is in sleeping mode....the bottom pic is under 20kk 150W MH, fully opened....

pls note that the teeth are exposed....anything wrong?? issit going to die?? if so, i will remove it....pls advise..thanks....

the top head doesn't have such problem...only the poor fellow below....

when i got it, it was already like tat....was told by the LFS owner that it is ok....was i conned??


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that part of the calcium bone exposed is where the frogspawn die liao, most likely the entire branch will die sooner or later, if there are coupld of branches, you may wanna cut away the dying part to keep the healthier branches... :)

Juz my 2 cts...

Vincent Ho :)

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hey bro..

mine got quite afew like that,but was free...

so try to nurse it back to health..recently not bad.. got 1 start to open liao!

i dose calcium,feed them regularly and also lighter current than they usually need..not sure if that helps..did not expose them under strong mh like the normal onces..

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  • SRC Member
hi all, me in need of advise...

the top pic is when lights are off, and the frogspawn is in sleeping mode....the bottom pic is under 20kk 150W MH, fully opened....

pls note that the teeth are exposed....anything wrong?? issit going to die?? if so, i will remove it....pls advise..thanks....

the top head doesn't have such problem...only the poor fellow below....

when i got it, it was already like tat....was told by the LFS owner that it is ok....was i conned??

My guess is maybe the switching off of the MH kinda shock the coral thus reacting like this, just monitor closely for a few days and feed them well :-)


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once awhile it will close.

but monitor it closely..

if its flesh start to disappear, then upz lorry liao..

but other part may still survive.. (if not link together)

check your location of tank n water parameter.

they dislikes too much a strong flow. n your tank temperature

since u r not using a chiller.

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once awhile it will close.

but monitor it closely..

if its flesh start to disappear, then upz lorry liao..

but other part may still survive.. (if not link together)

check your location of tank n water parameter.

they dislikes too much a strong flow. n your tank temperature

since u r not using a chiller.

Agree with bwilly.... bubbles/cateyes dun really enjoy strong currents... also, ur water parameters must be okay... typrobin, did u measure them lately?

Vincent Ho

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phew.....scared the shit out of me....will monitor it closely....anyway, the damaged frogspawn has been fraged....took out the damaged one...now left with 1 lonely branch....

measure parameter?? ooopppssss....i think i will do it tomolo.... :paiseh:


better to do it every 2-3 days, coz when the tank is new, the parameters are not so stable, moreover, when u are stocking up, it causes changes in your bioload, so its good to measure often... :)

Vincent Ho :)

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if everytime u see the frag still not open, then something is wrong.

check your NO3, usually corals dun likes too high of it also.

if its recently it becomes like dat, maybe due to your MH..

contribute too high temperature that it start to close than open.

it need time to adjust to new lighting u got also.

alot of things lah.. from your posting won't know wat happen n

can't really advise but can suggest a few alternatives.

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