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marine fish pond??


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  • SRC Member

everytime u go to some one's place... u will say,

"wow! nice marine tank u have there!"

"no lah. where got."

wonder does it ever go...

"wow! nice marione pond u have there!"

recently... due to some reasons... by father decided to give up his fish pond...

the oscars got too aggressive.... start attacking birds who come and bathe in the pond... i am serious... i had to clear the bones a few times... think my dad feed it too much prawns already.... but anyway...

he told me he deciding to give up the pond... and i was thinking of maybe converting it to marine fish pond!! :P wonder if it is workable.... if cannot... then prob i can convert it to a refugium... :P

its approximately 12 feet by 4 ft 9 inches by 2 feet deep... thats the approximate pond size alone...

any comments???

*translated from Hokkien*

"If say no bang wall, this idiot will never ripen" - Mr Quah Siew Kow.

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yar..koi or Goldfish...marine ? ;) dont think its good ..as you cant view the whole thing except the top view...and it will promote algale growth and...LOts of other factor.. go for FW fish instead in a pond...looks better.. :)

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  • SRC Member

Outdoor? Rain? Evaporation? Bird shit/pee?

Need to build a clear canopy on top to cover the entire pond?

Monsoon season (No Sun?) Installed 2000W MH over the 12 ft??

Water movement? 4x MD 55?

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  • SRC Member

my dad gave up on koi... he used to be quite into it... he grew some kois frm baby to about 4 to 5 feet long....

but that time... when we still living at old place (bukit timah) (the pond was about 3 metres deep at deepest point) the kois all mysteriously died one by one when we were finalising plans to move house... talking a total of almost 50 kois....

*translated from Hokkien*

"If say no bang wall, this idiot will never ripen" - Mr Quah Siew Kow.

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not feasible as yazid pointed out.

marine more for inside house. (or sheltered)

u will be at mercy of the nature.. some more pond

so small, cannot fight it as good as the big ocean.

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  • SRC Member

how about if i get clear cover for the pond.... cover up the pond to prevent enviroment effects...

was thinking of using it as refugium also not too bad an idea....

toooo bad my DC give my brother take go UK for his attachement..... or not can take a pic of the pond....

my tank is located quite near my pond.... juz seperated by a glass wall only....

*translated from Hokkien*

"If say no bang wall, this idiot will never ripen" - Mr Quah Siew Kow.

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  • SRC Member

wif natural sunlight... u could have a clam farm :lol::lol::lol: lck110 has outdoor tanks with natural sunlight and holds their clams there. :blink:

in the wild also got monsoon wat.but clams still can survive.... nt like all year long no sun. but rain..... wait salinity drop. ppl top up freshwater u top up salt :upsidedown: but having a pond of clams will be very exciting :yeah::yeah::yeah::yeah::yeah::yeah:

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  • SRC Member
so..where you place your tank??? outdoor?? your tank near your pond??? so your tank and pond outdoor larh ?

my tank is indoors.... just near this glass wall... the glass wall inside is the house... glass wall outside is the tank.....


*translated from Hokkien*

"If say no bang wall, this idiot will never ripen" - Mr Quah Siew Kow.

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  • SRC Member

The problems of evaporation, etc can be surmounted, and with natural sunlight shld be better than the best mh; who knows, esp with good filtration, etc, the issues of controlling algae growth etc shld also be doable.

However, the practicality of the situation is what kind of marine fish/ls u intend to keep. Most corals and fish are best viewed from the side and not the top, so u will be spending a lot of money on something that may not show off to its best advantage.

UNless u go for a shark/stingray set-up with clams and some colourful coral. Or just plain FOWLR with sharks and rays.

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  • SRC Member

sharks is prob out of the question.... but house is usually flooded with relatives over the weekends... small cousins... some in pre-school.... my mum did mentioned sharks is a definate no-no when she saw the 2 sharks at coral farm last sunday...

but rays.... can consider.... but.. when tangs grown too big... proberly can sell to ppl who have bigger tanks... but when my shark or ray too big.... who can i sell to??? people who have bigger ponds than me???

and also.... anyone here with any experience on keeping sharks and ray???

*translated from Hokkien*

"If say no bang wall, this idiot will never ripen" - Mr Quah Siew Kow.

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  • SRC Member

Ironically sharks are safer than rays! Black tip sharks are small and don't bite, whereas most rays carry a powerful sting in their tails.

Sharks are much maligned; apparently even the great whites do not like human flesh, often attacking humans thinking they are seals, which is their more natural prey....

Anyway, think of the scare value to your cousins!

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