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Help ...... my fish is in sick mood

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  • SRC Member

hi , my foxface was eating quite fine and a greedy eater on 13 may . suddenly next day nvr eat dont know why . untill now havent eat . but between 13 may and 17may , he got eat abit but must forced him many time then eat . no injuries found on his body nor white spots . but my salinity was 1.010 for 1.5 months coz want to clear the ich away from my main tank . my nitrate , ph , ammonia was is safe level , but still mine fish wont eat .help. dont know what kind of diseases is this .

but i saw his mouth opening and closing alot of them . seem to lose weight also due to starvation .i got put appietite simultant also , but no use.

Scared to lose this since with my 1 month plus liao . :(

suspect only salinity low . i increase to 1.012 . but not confirm . he dont like to eat , but yesterday bought a naso tang and put naso in my tank , then the foxface chase him around , still got energy . but not eating. :unsure:


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  • SRC Member

what you mean force feed? :blink:

check your params again,

i had test kits that were expired, so gave me wrong info.

then increase salinity,

for ich treatments

i used waterlife myxazin,

next day atlantic blue back to normal, eating like pig ;)


good luck

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  • SRC Member

i mean i will always put food in my tank , then my fishes will eat, so i thought my foxface also come out and eat , he must see one that will eat. but now no . :(

all not on exp date ler.

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  • SRC Member

u should put too much food...i think your sea water is too dirty...how bout a 10% water change every few days...to clear away the toxic....when fishes breath hard, it means tat ur water is not clean....ammonia and nitrite spike i think....be careful....dun change to much at a time...do it slowly....

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ur SG izit measured using a swing-arm hydrometer? Dat might give a false reading, try using warm fresh water to flush it for a few minutes den measure again. the SG maybe too low... :)

4get to add the the swing-arm hydromter, even in good cond. may not be accurate enough... :(

Vincent Ho :)

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  • SRC Member

i will do every week change one when want to top up water . i also put carbon filter in. now just bought a bacteria bottle that contain nitrate eating organism eating .it called PSB live Probatic . just dose it and also increasing my salinity slowly by few other days . now about 1.013. :)

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  • SRC Member

blast now a nitrate spike liao :nuke: . that why my foxface already breathing so hard and now his one side fin not moving , and already weaken due to not eating .

like want to give up ......... :( .

but my other fishes ok ler, only him , i also dont know why, thought foxface are hardy creatures. :cry2: .

now doing 10% water change and feeding less now, 1 time a day . increasing salinity . :cry2:

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  • SRC Member

my fish has been RIP . did a post - mortem on him on his mouth and gills. found a prawn shell stick inside of his mouth, which coz him not to eat!!!! . :angry:

i love him alot!!! :cry::cry2::cry2::cry2:

Rest in peace, i can feel the heart pain. :(

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  • SRC Member
my fish has been RIP . did a post - mortem on him on his mouth and gills. found a prawn shell stick inside of his mouth, which coz him not to eat!!!! . :angry:

i love him alot!!! :cry::cry2::cry2::cry2:

Rest in peace, i can feel the heart pain. :(

sorry to hear the sad news :(


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blast now a nitrate spike liao :nuke: . that why my foxface already breathing so hard and now his one side fin not moving , and already weaken due to not eating .

like want to give up ......... :( .

but my other fishes ok ler, only him , i also dont know why, thought foxface are hardy creatures. :cry2: .

now doing 10% water change and feeding less now, 1 time a day . increasing salinity . :cry2:


try going to NTUC and buy a couple of bottles of Distilled Water to mix with the salt for water change in your tank, i guess it's gonna be helpful for the time being since you say there's a spike... also, use a mini-powerhead to induce more current in your tank so that there would be less of a buildup of deritus on the sandbed....

Juz my 2 cts....

Sorry about your beloved foxface....

Vincent Ho

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  • SRC Member

no ammonia, but nitrate high, not not extreme, blame on stupid mistake of feeding them so much, they will always look at me coz they hungry, too cute to resist , so feed them , what to do ? all will go to one corner where i stand and will wait for food. see the result. now must be garang abit . :(

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