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Otaku Reefer

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Time for update

Bought stuff from ah ma zone again .

Witch hazel - Rumoured to stop RTN/STN. All based on anecdotal experience, RTN/STN is caused by some kind of cilates/bacteria (i tink) and this witch hazel can kill this cilates/bacteria. Ho siao or not, try and will know, as the saying goes dead horse treat using live horse medicine, in other words, since its 99% dying just whack loh. 🤣

The legendary addictive that adds calcium and alkalinity and pH. Often dosed in the ATO but this method is very much dependent on ur evaporation. For me, i will use the doser and dose throughout the day to stabilize the pH.

Purple non sulphur bacteria
Based on description, dose liao ur reef tank will fly lol.

Interested peeps can go algaebarn website take a look- https://www.algaebarn.com/blog/advanced/r-palustris-the-do-all-aquarium-bacteria/

Seems like holy grail of all bacteria, but as with all things in this hobby, its not snake oil unless proven so lol. Try try first, dosing bacteria to increase diversity also a good idea.

Just got a new toy, olympus TG camera. Still trying to figure out the settings. This hobby will make u spend outside of the hobby lol. 1 hobby leads to another. Pok Gai soon.

Thanks for reading. Happy reefing!

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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  • 1 month later...
  • SRC Member

Been awhile since updated

Recently got him a girlfriend, cohabitation on the first nite, fast game

Recently alot pests, pls dont expect ur LFS to ensure pest free, onus is always on the buyer.

Introducing my Advanced Coral Inspection System (ACIS)
1. Reef dip = Red sea DipX
2. Magnifying glass to see pest and eggs
3. Car handphone holder (not sure wats it call)
4. Iphone to provide bright lights and timer for 15 min dip, (any handphone will do )
5. turkey baster to blast the dip solution at infected coral
6. Ikea 2liter Tub, very good for dip as transparent and sufficient height for larger colony
7. Maxspect tongs (useful tongs as wont rust)
8. Clean tank water for washing coral
after dip; u dont want the dip to go inside ur tank as dips are harmful to inverts.

My torch previously infected by euphyllia eating flatworms, look at huge chunk of meat kenna eaten…


If ur corals kenna infected by watever pest, remember one dip is never enough, remember to inspect for eggs. Search and Destroy. QT and multi dips.

Some photos by Olympus TG camera, underwater picture and outside handphone camera still got difference i tink


Last but not least, very interesting coral on the internet

Thats it folks! Thanks for reading and happy reefing!

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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  • 2 months later...
  • SRC Member

Happy new yr reefers! Hope everyone reef tank is doing well.

Been some time since update as bz with work. New yr time to try new things

Sodium Hydroxide dosing- Raising alk and pH, much better than kalkwasser as its more concentrated due to its better solubility in water. Some reefers try potassium hydroxide dosing but this means dosing potassium into the reef tank, as i dont really do any icp or potassium testing so not considering this method.

Really dangerous to prepare as Lye is quite corrosive, Doing necessary precautions, dont prepare with kids at home and ensure dosing container is hdpe/PP. Those commercial dosing container mostly acrylic base probably not ideal for long term storage


Bought this kamoer dosing container which is hdpe material, 5L can use long time


Remember to don the PPE- Not truly super safe but something always better than nothing haha.


Always add NaOH beads or flakes to rodi and never the other way round. Add in some batches and stir, its giving a lot heat so has to be careful, also do in well ventilated place as fumes produced. Super high pH so need be extra careful.


Some macro shots

GSP- one of most underrated corals, reefers often fear it overrun the tank, simple way to overcome is to not mount on rocks, For me i mount on background and if growth is too much, it is easy to tear off and trimed, much easier to manage than pulsing xenia as it somehow can spread even though mount on isolated rock.


Heng Ong Huat digi, also another underrated coral, looks good and tanky

Orange chalice i tink, almost died due to rookie mistake and 1 yr later recession has stop and seems to be slowly recovering, before and after pics



Another chalice coral, not cheap, but looks nice and like paddle pop ice cream, 1 yr of growth, before and after pics


Another chalice, UFO i tink, Chalice is also another underrated coral, is colorful and quite tanky in my humble opinion.


Some sps frags i got, hopefully can slowly grow into colonies.



Thanks for reading! Wish all reefers a huat huat yr and Happy reefing!

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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Good day reefers, well time really flies and my reefer 350 has reach the 3rd year milestone. Really enjoyed this journey and been thru many ups and downs, more downs i would say lol .

Killed tons of corals and waste alot $$ but which hobby dont waste $$? Reefing is a very rewarding hobby and it will never cease to be boring as reef tank always got daiji one, be it equipment failure, pests, unknown coral/fish deaths, dreaded brown jelly disease, Famous STN and RTN bros, Regardless of all the problems, seeing your fish and corals doing its thing is like having a piece of mother nature in your own home, really takes the stress away and helps to calm me down.

Some pictures (with orange filter) to mark this milestone, hopefully many more milestones to go!












Thanks for reading and happy reefing!

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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