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My Salty Oasis

Otaku Reefer

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14 minutes ago, Otaku Reefer said:


Here the photos, pardon the poor tank condition, i only got time to take care display haha...as u see currently QT corals, when i switch to QT fish will take out the corals and dose copper, den once finish, load carbon, water change and can QT invert/coral liao.


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Thanks for sharing :) 


Feel free to visit my Aquarium blog @


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  • 1 month later...
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Time for an Otaku Review and Otaku Hack!

Been trying out the seneye reef for sometime. I think its not totally useful.
I mainly purchased for PAR purpose, have since reconfigured it to do the “monitoring” job which is supposedly advertised as its main purpose. tot can help do power outage notifications but

1. Its ok for temperature and out of water alarm as its very quick to email u if both above issues is outta whack.

2. Power outage notification is non existent. its only available if u buy the expensive SWS webserver. I used the BRS hack and got the PC stick but so far my test run showing no email notification when i disconnect power..

3. PH and ammonia monitoring is subscription based, means u need buy slide to be able to monitor, about $10 bucks for 30 days, being the cheapo reefer i am i refuse to pay for this lol.

Current solution is APEX and isocket both expensive solutions. Cannot be no solution right??? 21st century already and got Mr Google and being the Otaku as i am, i set out to find a solution for power outage notification for free!!

Step 1:
Download app call uptime robot, we will be making this app ping your router every 5mins, if ur router down (like in the event of power outage) it will auto send u email. Its totally Free! of cos if u feeling rich, u can subscribe to them, will ping every 1min!! Confirm monitor gao gao.

Step 2: Find ur router WAN IP, if duno ask Mr Google. WAN IP is like ur Public IP fyi.

Step3: key in ur WAN IP into the app. Voila! it works! Tested it and it works leh, maybe more reefers can try and see if works.

Disclaimer: Try at ur own risk. Just testing out and not sure long time performance, and also router outage does not equal power outage for reef tank, could be just router down. Do take note, nevertheless, i tink its quite useful.

Hope this helps! Happy Reefing! :)

Seneye screenshot

uptime Robot

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Time for tank update.

My battery backup failed after 1 yr operation due to my mistake.

Was suppose connect all three, battery pwr supply, pump pwr supply and to wavemaker. Being the otaku i am, i skipped the instructions and went in with guns blazing haha, was thinking only battery charger is needed and connect to wavemaker, it makes sense to me, charge the battery and nero runs thru the battery.

This meant the battery was charging and discharging unnecessarily and shorten the lifetime drastically. Rookie mistake.

the correct operation should be battery charger connected, pump pwr connected and wavemaker connected as per pic below, so in this way, the pump runs on its own power supply and will only use the battery when outage that time...expensive mistake learned


Some macro pics to brighten up rainy day

Rainbow Monti

Not 100% sure think its symphillia wilsoni


Think its scoly, but not sure as dun have signature donut shape

Mini RBTA which my 2 clowns guard furiously

utter chaos

somekinda of cloves

fascinating favia


Bubble, looks like durian with the tentacles out

red and blue gonio

black elegance with greenish tips; like 滿天星

Jellybean (aka paddle pop chalice; my own naming lol its very adept i would say )

Thanks for reading and happy reefing!

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Time for some update.

Measured nitrates and phosphate

Nitrates- ard 0.2ppm
Phosphate - 0 ppm

Phosphate hit rock bottom, not good for corals will monitor first as i have heavy bio load, ard 14 fishes for 4 foot tank. Hopefully its heavy in heavy out.


Now to explain my export system

ATS, Refugium and little bit GFO and 2 AI fuge as light source.

Some reefers might say its too much to spend on refugium light, but i followed the logical recommendation from BRS “ How to outcompete the display tank lights when your fuge light is fraction of the costs?” Makes sense actually need the correct spectrum and strong lights to make sure the algae grows in sump instead of display.

So far its managing my nutrient well without any carbon dosing. In fact i suck at carbon dosing as most corals react badly due to aggressive nutrient reduction.

Its taobao ATS but i since ditched the lights and convert to AI fuge light. Just worried for poor worksmanship resulting in short circuit risk. better safe than sorry. And the tabao lights the growth is cmi compared to AI fuge.

Running a bit yellowish, indication of 3 things, not enough flow, too high light and too low nutrient. My flow just upgraded so shld be enuff. Should be light too close. Running full red spectrum

The red sea tank is good but 1 bone to pick is their sump really small. The refugium also very small surface area. What is lacking in surface area, i compensate with power running good lights. The lights must be strong as to penetrate the cheato as its suffers from serious self shading. i normally will make effort to spread out the cheato evenly to cover every inch so every portion is exposed to photosynthesis. Refugium growing cheato. No fanciful spinning cheato, as i cant get it to spin why some reefers get it to spin is not because it looks cool but to expose the cheato evenly to light. It also looks cool btw

I used to run without GFO and my phosphates hover around 0.1-0.2ppm range. Cant seem to get it to go below 0.1 range without GFO. i think its red field ratio and nitrates limitation. Will consider taking this offline as now phosphate very low.

Mineral Mud
I got run mineral mud or “miracle mud” in fuge, duno got Ho Siao ppl or not, but since alot pro ang moh reefers use, i gave it try. cant really comment on its effectiveness as i start from day 1. I also use this mud to create a deep sand bed for denitrifying bacteria. I purposely add bristle worms to it and alot micro fauna copepods and amphipods. DSB without microfauna got risk for release hydrogen sulphide when stirred.

Mechanical filtration
Running 2 filter cup for mech filtration. recently trying out my cheatofloss. Since cheato good at mech filtation and my tank alot light spill, why not?
So far its growing, additional space for cheato growth. Another cup still running filter floss balls from sera for additional water polishing.

I would consider this essential piece of equipment as most rubbish gets pull out before chance to foul water. Running red sea skimmer, so far pulling alot gunk but 1 thing i dont like is the skimmer cup is very tightly bound so must take out whole skimmer to clean...Not maintenance friendly. Looking to try the ATAS nyos quantum if got good deal next time.

Ok enuff for the blabbering. Some tank shots

Got this new leather. Hopefully the polyps grow longer like the weeping willow.

The info shared is just based on my experience and observation and lots of youtube video learning, i would say its not a definitive guide (as i may be wrong as well) and in reefing there are many ways to get things done. Just find a method suitable for you and enjoy the hobby!

Thanks for viewing and happy reefing!

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  • 2 months later...
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Quick update. Been using arm and hammer baking soda for good few months for Alk dosing, can say with confidence it works just as well compared to other commercial products. This can easily get from supermarket.

i am using randy formula using baked baking soda. Old school. Also helps raise my pH. Good for cost down initiatives for this expensive hobby lol .

Interested peeps can check below link


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Maintenance day, scrap the glass clean, clean wavemaker. Didnt change water though..lazy sunday 🤭

My most colorful corner, The Chapalang Garden Consist favia, monti, shrooms, cloves,cyphastra, chalice.


Side view


some lowlights, coral casualties. My fav orange chalice receded after i hand itchy move its position, move back original position hope it makes recovery.

infront is yellow spondages frag, drop into duncan coral and head become botak. hope it makes recovery.

my single head hammer, its a fighter, dont wan to die, been slow recede for many many months,more than 1 year i tink, not sure root cause, few suspects, my tank low nutrient, one side flow too strong, or my wrasse keep spraying sand onto it, sighz, at least my froggiespawn and torches no issue.


Thanks for viewing! happy reefing

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On 12/6/2020 at 6:41 PM, Otaku Reefer said:

I used to run without GFO and my phosphates hover around 0.1-0.2ppm range. Cant seem to get it to go below 0.1 range without GFO. i think its red field ratio and nitrates limitation. Will consider taking this offline as now phosphate very low.

Hey. Sorry to dig up old text :wacko:

Would like to chime in that I used to run algae based filtration, and inevitably will run into phosphate problems which requires GFO to address.

Do you still use GFO? 

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Hey. Sorry to dig up old text :wacko:
Would like to chime in that I used to run algae based filtration, and inevitably will run into phosphate problems which requires GFO to address.
Do you still use GFO? 

No problem bro, this tread is for sharing info and learning journey. Feel free to ask. I am no expert also lol..Lots of pro reefer paiseh to post haha..

Yes i still use GFO, my thoughts is algae based filtration is good for nitrates but not phosphate, u see the red field ratio loh, 16 nitrates is to 1 phosphate, nitrates is gonna plunge super fast. my nitrates is super low compared to phosphate. my phosphate with GFO can keep below 0.1, without GFO its like 0.15-0.2.

This is just based on my experience with this current tank, different tank different setup, maybe others will feel differently. hope it helps.

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Thanks!  Got it. 

Nitrate-phosphate imbalance is rather undesirable,  and GFO use for bigger tanks can get rather expensive. 

23 minutes ago, Otaku Reefer said:

This is just based on my experience with this current tank, different tank different setup, maybe others will feel differently. hope it

Our experience with algae based filtration seem alike. 

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Thanks!  Got it. 
Nitrate-phosphate imbalance is rather undesirable,  and GFO use for bigger tanks can get rather expensive. 
Our experience with algae based filtration seem alike. 

I think there is 2 workarounds, dose nitrate to correct the imbalance.

2nd is feed exclusive frozen food as frozen is more natural so will contain the correct nitrate to phosphate ratio. Dry food contains additives that might skew the ratio. Just my thinking though. Both methods seems not very practical haha..

i think adding fish will not help cos u feed more dry food and the vicious cycle again..

another more cost effective method is dose lanthum chloride, but i read some reefers their tangs died so i bit scared scared try haha. think the byproduct can suffocate them.

So u switch from algae based filtration to something else to manage the phosphate?

For me, i belong to the more bochap type reefer, my GFO sometimes i let it run longer haha not always aiming for less 0.1 sometimes 0.2 i also no OCD, the corals seems not much negative effects i see, but i try not exceed 0.3 lah. More important, as the age old saying goes for reefing, keep it stable...

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13 minutes ago, Otaku Reefer said:

2nd is feed exclusive frozen food as frozen is more natural so will contain the correct nitrate to phosphate ratio.

This I'm doubtful. The problem of NP imbalance imo is due to the export side issue: algae use more nitrates.  Dry food also have many low phosphate options if that's  what is needed. 


17 minutes ago, Otaku Reefer said:

So u switch from algae based filtration to something else to manage the phosphate?

Yes. Other than the phosphate issue, I find algae based system competes too heavily with my corals. So I switched to a bacteria/diatom system. Hybrid zeolite. 

So far for the nitrate and phosphate management is fairly consistent and hassle free. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Time for fish update

My male banggai cardinal has stop eating for few days now. Usually eats mysis alot. Hopefully is spawning as it seems holding stuff in its mouth, and i saw it behaving suspiciously with the female at the back of the tank at night a few days ago . Any seniors also see this? Can advise?? TIA

oh boy..taking fish photo takes another level of skill and i tot taking corals photo is hard...


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  • 5 weeks later...
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Recently saw quite a number of reefers asking about RODI system so i tot about sharing my setup hoping will benefit new reefers

RODI basically stands for Reverse Osmosis and Deionised water, sounds chim but in a nutshell, it use pressure to push water through a membrane(filter) and clean water comes out and waste water with the dirty stuff is discharged. Its like the PUB “new water” hehe.

Basically there are two types, one comes with booster pump and without, those without booster pump u need high water pressure otherwise ur waste water will gao gao..i using without booster pump as booster pump requires electricity and i tink toilet+electrical stuff is another safety hazard. With booster pump of cos the advantage is better filtered water to waste water ratio. my current without pump is about 1 clean water : 2 waste water. waste water is never wasted lah, clean toilet loh flush toilet loh.

my setup, inlet is connected to bidet(super strong water pressure). its connected via a three way valve so u can still use ur bidet no problemo.

my purchase from our dearest shop TB. works out to be about $90 sgd, include transport becomes $100 plus minus, if u buy other stuff from TB den u can tongbang and become cheaper. Sadly this brand no longer for sale.


Woodlands water ard TDS 60 maybe nearer JB less piping travel so cleaner? hehe

After filter is 0 TDS, job done.

Stage 1 sediment filter basically takes out the bigger stuff

stage 2: Carbon; no need further explain

Stage 3: The RO membrane, this step takes out the very small dissolved stuff, normally after this step TDs is about 2-5 (i tink but no confirm haha)

Final step: DI resin, after this shld get zero TDS hurray!!

Muis brand no longer available in TB, so find this alternative, yet to use yet so cant comment on its effectiveness.

RODI is a very controversial topic, a lot old bird reefer use tap water and just dechlorine and no dai ji at all.

My thinking is engineering background so if input alot of noise how to troubleshoot issues?? So make sure input water swee swee u less one headache? Tio Bo?

Plus this hobby no matter wat is expensive, corals expensive, why risk it? Seriously get from TB is not that expensive if u look long term, my system $100 bucks can last me more than 1 year(depending on ur maint lah, i lazy person only change 1 pail (20 liter) a week nia) so its much better den going NTUC drag home tons of NTUC water? its probably cheaper than LFS saltwater also plus u get to choose ur own salt and at ur own convenience to mix the salt.

Just my 2 cents and hope can help newer reefers.

Thanks for reading till the end

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Time for Otaku update

Previously my male banggai cardinal stop eating and i suspect brooding kids in mouth, sure enough after 20 days he go into labour on labour day

Can see the baby fish eyes in the mouth

Zoom in, sorry for crap photos, my skills bad

cute baby banggai fry, Good father, the mother just throw the job to dad and he completed without fuss, 20 days straight no food..sakhi...its not always about the good mums, good dads are around too

Realized banggai cardinal is endangered species only available in indonesia, hope can help propagate this species.

Thanks for reading and happy reefing!

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Congratulations on the newborns!  Is there a way to sex the cardinals?

Thank you.

Pairing the cardinals require a lot of luck lol. But there are subtle differences between Male and Female. I spend quite some time at the LFS looking at it

1. Males tend to have squarish jaw
2. Males have 2 vents under the belly



Its probably best to get bigger size banggai cardinal so it will be easier to see their belly for male or female.

I think for higher success is to get bigger males vs females as Males doing all the heavy lifting for the brood, 20 days no eating and holding about 8-10 small fry in the mouth.

Also if u have those giant zoas like mine, once hatch the fry will hide in these zoas, its like replicate long spine sea urchin in the wild, very interesting.

It will then be very easy to remove the fry to a breeder box.

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Water change day

Have catch the fries into a separate isolation box, total of 9 fries hatched, loss one due to predation, RIP buddy. Currently 8, not sure how many will make it, feeding on BBS, need slowly wean to TDO for more nutrition, or i can feed TDO to BBS den BBS to Fries.

My anthias crouching tiger hidden dragon, ready to pounce sia.

TDO = Top Dressed Otahime, very good food, read that alot industrial breeders used this. Seems quite true to me as my Mandarin dragonet eat this stuff.

BBS= Baby brine shrimp, not very nutritious i heard, but fries need movement to stimulate feeding response.

Previously used DIY hatchery but super ma fan...Bite the bullet and buy the hobby kit. it works and quite convenient i would say.

Ok finally cleaned the tank glass and tank has stabilized for now. Last few weeks hand itchy keep dosing AB+ until nutrient explode..loss a few acros...suddenly brown out and RTN.

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Day 9 post hatch update

Fries have gotten bigger, total of 9 fries survive till date, initially tot lost one but it managed to survive all the big fishes predation. Interesting thing is that it swam to join the others like its instinct, Mine is 4 foot tank and 1 fry is like 0.5cm. Not sure how it find its way, Amazing!

Fries have gotten abit bigger

Hatching BBs using hobby kit

Just put the eggs at the outer rim, once hatch bbs will swim towards center where there is light. Harvest and tats it! no egg shells to clear.


enriching the bbs with reef roids

Day 1 post hatch, bbs is at instar 1 stage with no mouths so cant eat, 1 hr prior feeding, i enrich bbs with selcon, hope sticks to the bbs body and the banggai fries eat will benefit from enrich selcon

Day 2 post hatch, bbs is instar stage 2 with mouth developed, this stage i enrich with reef roids, powdery enough for the bbs to eat? Hope so haha...reef roids is mainly planktons so quite nutritious with the HUFA (fatty acids all theses). Baby fries often suffer from sudden fright syndrome where it will get spooked and twitch to bottom and die, read that related to lack of HUFA all these..hopefully can prevent that.

Helping a bro look after Holy grail, 3 blue notes at SA, coral prices crashing, newer reefers can wait a bit and get better deal.

Thanks for reading and happy reefing!

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