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will bubble sting clam?


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i think it will...both are different species so the clams will not be immune to bubbles' stings....

if they are of the same species than it is said to be alrite....like frogspawn + frogspawn, bubbles + bubbles....

i remember seeing somewhere tat frogspawn hammer and torch can be put together as they are of the Euphyllia family....so they are immune to one anothers' stings....

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one of my clam is touching hammer for quite some times liao. few weeks perhaps.

still open up big big. and no sign of rejection between them. is this normal? now got a clam quite near to bubble, donno ok a not. there for need expert out there to advise,

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not too sure....maybe your torch is being nice to the clam, sayang him instead of stinging him.....

oh yah....FYI, i am no expert....not even novice in clams....dun have any clams before.... :paiseh:

no worry bro :lol:

all of us is learning with one another. :peace:

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Saw from somewhere that clams do not get sting by other corals... But i doubt its true...... However my clam do react to some coral sting while other dun...... It depends i guess

i think i m the lucky one. my clam seem to immune to the sting :yeah:

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Saw from somewhere that clams do not get sting by other corals... But i doubt its true...... However my clam do react to some coral sting while other dun...... It depends i guess

i think i m the lucky one. my clam seem to immune to the sting :yeah:

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