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Darn irritating adware


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Finally found out why my computer getting slower and with stupid pop up ads all the time. Installed the trial version of norton antivirus 2004 and it detected a whole list of adware on my computer. Just spent 2 hours manually removing all of them. Now my com is so much faster. Adware sucks! :angry::evil:

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  • SRC Member

Just avoid ###### sites. ;)


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Just avoid ###### sites. ;)

Hey...what's that supposed to mean?!...Grew out of ###### long ago. Kinda boring don't you think? Only the real thing is fun... :lol::evil::pinch: Anyway..those ADs were not porno in any nature..somehow installed themselves while browsing the net or installing other software. <_<

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member

get what you mean, bro.

i have the latest Norton updates and they still pop up.

did a scan and nothing shows up.

wish i were a IT genius, then i'd send

pop-ups to the adware site :angry:

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  • SRC Member
get what you mean, bro.

i have the latest Norton updates and they still pop up.

did a scan and nothing shows up.

wish i were a IT genius, then i'd send

pop-ups to the adware site :angry:

I paid norton $204 for the new 2004 version and i still cant remove one of these adware in my computer :(

It do pop up cost it is block by my firewall but the present seem very irritating..



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Hmmm..woonming, try clicking on the adware to see the information available on how to remove it manually on symantec's website. Sometimes to disable certain adware you might get the message 'Access Denied'. You might have to start your windows in safe mode before being able to disable it. ;)

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member

Before installing any freeware its best to check if it comes with adware or not. Usually if you download from cnet or download.com there will be a some reviews. Some adware once its installed, you cant get a clean uninstall unless you delete the threads in the registry. They are spying on you! :fear:

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I second Tanzy, but I'd rephrase it to 'questionable' sites.

Good security awareness should keep you from clicking on any prompts to install certificates or cookies just to watch the lady (or guy) strip or something.

Run spyware / adware detection software regularly to clean them out.

Besides the one Vinoth posted, think I've already pre-empt you guys with a thread I posted in the Kopitiam sometime back.

BTW, is it not Norton Internet Security which will weed out adware, et cetera?

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  • SRC Member
BTW, is it not Norton Internet Security which will weed out adware, et cetera?

i'm running both the Interent Security and the Antivirus.

the expensive, unfriendly version somemore <_<

i just do not understand why i have to resort to other freeware

when i the $$$$$ software i got can't do the job?!?!

interestingly enough, the pop up claims to be a windows patch! :P

its from patchinfo.com or something like that...

i went there and i have to pay for that patch?

my windows update says i'm all patched up though :blink:

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  • SRC Member

i never had this problem of virus or popup windows.

Like our reef tank, computer also needs regular check and maintenance.

1. Update the latest virus pattern files of your antivirus software.I check for new pattern files everyday and if its available, i will download & update.

2. Scan your system once in 2 or 3 days. If your system is always on, then you can schedule your scan daily.

3. If your computer or intenet access is slow, there is a chance that unwanted programs running in the background(trojan, virus etc).

4. Defragment your drives once in 3 to 6 months. This is not related to virus but defnitely it will improve your windows performance. This will take few hours to complete depending on your hard disk size.

5. Be careful on the sites you are visiting(###### sites, Warez sites etc)

6. Watch out for the email attachments. Now a days virus writers are very smart.

7. Update windows pathes when its available. This is very crictical. Most of the virus writers exploit the bugs in windows. Now a days no need for you to open any email attachment to get virus. Once connected to the internet, you will get it if the windows security patches are not updated. For example blaster worm, sasser worm.

8. Last but not least, run adware(or similar) programs to remove the unwated ad programs, cookies etc.

If the above steps are followed, you will minimise the risk of getting virus and other backdoor programs.

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