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Good Fish Info websites

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Hi all,

I used to have a 2 ft tank 15 years ago during NS. But due to school and life commitments, I stopped keeping them. Now, after visiting some LFS, I feel like starting back a bigger tank. Still gathering info and trying to remember all the important stuffs. I remember there used to be a website which will detail all the aquarium fishes with pictures but cant remember which one.

If you have good sites to recommend, will be much appreciated. Thank you.

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  • SRC Member

Welcome back! Personally I can relate hahaha, I used to keep marine fish as a kid and didn’t touch the hobby for years until after I’d graduated. The pull is always there.


For fish info, you should only really rely completely on fishbase for the more scientific info. Unfortunately there are many sites that give decent info on the fish but nothing in-depth with regards to their behavior in captive, home-aquarium environments. Wetwebmedia is what I like to refer to for fish info with regards to aquariums, because the people running it are actually marine biologists/ichthyologists. Animal-world is also decent but a lot of their stuff is copypasta from other sources.


IMO sites like reefapp and misc online saltwater fish retail should be taken with a grain of salt cause they are often generic and sometimes anecdotal observations don’t paint the clearest picture about specific fish behavior. You might even stumble upon fishing websites which give brief details(apparent observations rather) about various fish species, but personally I feel the best way to be the most sure is to amass knowledge from not just one or two sources but from as many as you can: anecdotal experiences from others in the hobby, scientific research online, forums, and the many available articles on the internet- and come to a conclusion yourself.


Youtube is also a really good place to see what reefers keep in their tanks and marine biology documentaries/scuba videos to observe fish behaviour as well.


Hope this helps




Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app






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36 minutes ago, soggycookies said:

Welcome back! Personally I can relate hahaha, I used to keep marine fish as a kid and didn’t touch the hobby for years until after I’d graduated. The pull is always there.


For fish info, you should only really rely completely on fishbase for the more scientific info. Unfortunately there are many sites that give decent info on the fish but nothing in-depth with regards to their behavior in captive, home-aquarium environments. Wetwebmedia is what I like to refer to for fish info with regards to aquariums, because the people running it are actually marine biologists/ichthyologists.


IMO sites like reefapp and misc sites should be taken with a grain of salt cause they are often generic and sometimes anecdotal observations don’t paint the clearest picture about specific fish behavior. You might even stumble upon fishing websites which give brief details(apparent observations rather) about various fish species, but personally I feel the best way to be the most sure is to amass knowledge from not just one or two sources but from as many as you can: anecdotal experiences from others in the hobby, scientific research online, forums, and the many available articles on the internet- and come to a conclusion yourself.


Youtube is also a really good place to see what reefers keep in their tanks and marine biology documentaries/scuba videos to observe fish behaviour as well.


Hope this helps




Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app




Yah agreed. The site I mentioned have detailed info on fishes. Feeding habits, behaviour, compatibility, reef behaviour.

But cannot find one that is relatable now. 

Thanks will try to look into youtube.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member
Youtube bro. Everything is there, especially brs and coral12g videos. default_yahoo.gif

aaron’s aquarium and melev’s reef are pretty good too. fishofhex is a very no-nonsense guy but his videos are also informative for more advanced reefing



Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app


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