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Quarantine tank requirements

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I am planning to set up a quarantine tank soon.

Have space constraint, so is a 1 ft (about 2.64 gallons) tank adequate?

Should I use a hang-on or canister filter? What are the pros & cons?

Which types of lights are of 1ft size? FL, PL? How about T5? If no fish to quarantine, may use tank for corals.


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  • SRC Member

first of all we need to know wether it is a coral quarintine tank or a fish quarintine tank....... if coral quarintine.... i suggest u go for t5 or pl........ if for normal fish quarintine..... just normal flourescent will do.....

now for your information.... u cant mix coral quarintine with fish quarintine..... usually fish quarintine u will add copper compounds to the water..... so u cant add coral ??

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  • SRC Member

Quarantine tank will consist 100% of water from ur main tank. To run a filtration system or not is up to u. For me is daily 30% water changes using water from main tank therefore i dun run any fitration in quarantine tank juz powerhead in it. Perform water changes an hr after u have feed the fish.

As for ur main tank, u can then use new fresh saltwater mix to top up wat u have removed. Lighting wise, juz any normal lightin will do and i would reckon a tank of at least 1.5ft and above. U may want to use cloth to cover up all the side so tat ur fish dun get panicky and stress out when movements r detected. All the above r for fishes quarantine. As for corals....dun c the need and have not come across any pple doing corals quarantining also. ;)


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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  • SRC Member

make sure that your main water is free from nitrate and ammonia and also free of ich floating stage , when your water already contain this parasites transfer to your quartine tank , your fish in quartine tank will be infected

am i right or wrong? :blink:

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  • SRC Member
  vicky said:
make sure that your main water is free from nitrate and ammonia and also free of ich floating stage , when your water already contain this parasites transfer to your quartine tank , your fish in quartine tank will be infected

am i right or wrong? :blink:

Wat i mentioned are meant for pple with tank tat do not inhabit any parasites or tat little to do much harm. Quarantining ur fish in a quarantine tank filled with ur main tank water is not only to monitor any disease tat it may happened to bring along from the LFS but also to get it to feed ;) . Shd any disease surface within 1-2wks then u can perform the proper treatment rather than intro into main tank and have the disease spreadin to other inhabitant.

Little nitrate won't cause much harm to ur fish and unless u have a matured system, i would say nitrate r there in ur tank...juz a matter of how much. If u have go thru the proper cycling phase, ammonia shd not be present at all. :blink: Its common sense tat if u r having prob with ur main tank, then y set up a quarantine tank for. Lastly, if there r sign of ICH in the main tank, u shd not be buyin any fish at all! :angry:


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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