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Where to find live Phyto and Copepods?


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  • SRC Member

FNM should have, algagen live phyto and pods, u shld probably call before going to check if have stock, also do remember to check expiry date. If just adding to reef tank for biodiversity, i would recommend tisbe, for reef nutri tigger pods i have no success despite 3 attempts, do let me know if u have success :)

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  • SRC Member

Reef nutrition ($35+)

tigger pod (madpetz, fresh and marine, ah beng, pinnacle, iwarna)

Apex (iwarna)

Algagen ($32+)

Tisbe, Apocyclops (fresh and marine)

local pods ($5/pack)

? pod (oceania reefz, ah beng, sealife, pinnacle madpetz-$8)

Best to give them a call before heading down.


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  • SRC Member
Can i check, do u empty to water from the pods into ur tank or use a filter net to catch the pods before releasing into tank?

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

for reputable companies like algagen and reef nutri, i just dump everything in no need filter, u can see on youtube they also doing same thing. For local pods culture not really sure how clean is the water or contain any parasites so might be taking a risk by dumping everything in. Thats y u pay more for pods like algagen and reef nutri besides paying for the nice packaging of cos lol. the copepods species is also guaranteed bah compare to local cultured unknown pods species? my 2 cents, its like paying more for piece of mind lah.

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  • SRC Member

One LFS shared with me that the local breed pods can't really survive in our tank for long as the species is not for breeding but rather feeding.

Apex pod survival rate very low. Trigger pod will eaten by the fish fast as they like to swim around hard to breed.

Algagen look ok but haven't got chance to try.

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  • SRC Member

Interesting. I wonder why that is? Is it a matter of the tank not having enough phytoplankton to keep them alive? or is it the type of copepod? I read that Calanoids do eat their young, so breeders separate them out. Which would mean limited in tank breeding.

I wonder what reefers experiences / success are here?? Do you guys use the locally (Malaysia?) bred ones, or the commercial ones? Do you use as food soure or as part of an extended ecosystem?

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  • SRC Member

my experience with tigger pods tells me that predation is not the reason for low survival, as i put them in the fuge with no fish, they still disappear without trace. internet forum is saying tigger is cold water species (as it can be refrigerated) but reef nutri firmly deny. i also think it should not be the case as reef nutri is culturing them. my opinion is more deviating to tigger pods require special diet like it needs phyto to survive and our reef tank seems not able to support phyto. Tisbe on the other hand can survive on detritus and or those film algae on glass. i have no evidence to back that up except for my own personal experience and observations.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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