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  • SRC Member

Juz for info... two new LFS spotted.

One at Kim Tian Road, the blk is juz beside the entrance to CTE along jalan bukit merah, sorry can't remember the blk no. Not very big but still can do with equipments and such. LS and corals also not bad when I went there last fri. Shop name is "Advance..."

One spotted at bukit purmei. Display tank still WIP. Saw some big corals last nite. Conditions not very good but think can be groom if put in a better tank. Think it's due to temp cuz shop and tanks are not ACed. Saw alot of small frag of bubbles... for those intrested can chk it out. Shop name is 112. It along the shops under the flat, there is a coffee shop juz behind the bus stop. Sorry once again dun know the blk no. Dun have the habit of remembering blk no I guess :)

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  • SRC Member

One more LFS spotted off little india, verdun rd(behide MUSTAFA) beside a shop name CS Lee that do import/export. Juz starting up biz, heard that corals are coming in next sat. anyone heard or saw this shop before? tanks set-up are quite impressive.

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  • SRC Member
Juz for info... two new LFS spotted.

One at Kim Tian Road, the blk is juz beside the entrance to CTE along jalan bukit merah, sorry can't remember the blk no.

blk 151 there.. quite long liao tat shop.. used to be only a provision shop, den sell freshwater, den now sell marine.. their scooter blenny price is very very reasonable..

Everything's sold. Back in 2yrs time.


If it's a WRX, it gotta be STI.


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