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Cleaning of sump


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I try to suck up detritus on the bottom when doing water changes.

Also running a make shift refugium in the last compartment so will shake up the chaeto in a bucket of RO Water. Not sure if that's correct. Just fell abit of a waste to use fresh salt water and tank water is abit dirty?

Hardly do any scrub downs or removal of algae in the sump or make shift refugium.

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Over time if you dont clean the sump it can start to leech nutrients. So it is a good idea to remove all the dead stuff in the sump. Will cleaning it impact the parameters? only if you stir up some nasty stuff and let it enter the water column. It is similar to disturbing an old sand bed. So isolate the sump before you remove the detritus.

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  • SRC Member

For any sump I would argue it is best to keep it clean (aka keep the alive stuff, remove the dead stuff). Clearly with an AIO it is a little more difficult as space is very limited. In that case I would say you have other higher priorities for the space you have. My humble suggestion would be that when you do a water change, every now and again Siphon out the compartments at the back.

Hope that helps.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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