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1/3 HP Bio-chiller


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  • SRC Member

Hi guys just bot over a 1/3HP Bio-chiller, does anyone know wat the letters mean in the settings mode??


OT - ???

AC - ???

AL - ???

AU - ???

LS - Lower temp setting?

HS - Higher temp setting??

TD - Temperature Differential?? (wats it do anyway)

TS - Temperature setting?? (desired temp issit?)

If anyone has the manual or know where to find it, can help me out here?

Now the chiller is switching on and off every 10min and off after just 5min...HELP HELP HELP :(

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OK....I'll try to sms him later...get him to call you..pls pm me your telephone number ;)

Hope you can sort this out soon....

but even if website or manual lost...ex-owner still cant help you in setting??? strange....

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  • SRC Member

For the my Bro DB & GT ..

description of the turning on & off sound like a misplace of in/out let or flow rate. whatever ..

The info is all the while on the net simply do a search please.



ts =26



there compressor will 'ON' when it reaches 26 & 'OFF' at 28,

will not turn back on after it cut out for a minimum of 10 MINUTES ..

if it does .. MEANS 2 degC raise in 10Mins?? ur placement of in/out is wrong!

Ot is the diff in main tank temp (to what the chiller is readin) .. use it to do compensation.. after all it is the main tank U wan to cool ..

Back to Ops .. I mean .. go back camp liao .. ciao

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bro...thanks for dragging your tired body to help out a fellow reefer here :lol::lol::lol: RSM very siong ah?????

wedgee....must treat him kopi next time you see him...he didnt sleep the night before due to his reservist ex, still worked out the details for you ;)

(THAT is what the forum is for...true gems like him that comes to aid asap)

btw..glad to hear that you have solve the problem :lol:

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