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Week 2: 10th May to 16th May

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My sightings on Sunday.

Ang Lee:

some maximas and croceas.

some cateye bubbles, torch, hammer, plate corals.

not much LS.


some cateye bubbles, brains

lots of YTs

flame angels


hammer, plates, torch

the usual LS


lots of assorted LS

lots of croceas


lots of zoothinids

lots of usual assorted LS


no more black cap basslets and royal gramma

PP shrimps still available

lots of blood and cleaner shrimps

gobies still available

some sps left, but colors...... brown

Austin the Westie: "I may be your best friend, but you are my everything".

Lightning Strike's Back!!!

Reefkeeping Is Not My Hobby, It's My Obsession.

Austin's Birthday


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hey dude...still operating from tub lah... ;)

actually got one living for almost two months and I thought can make it but helped a bro to acclimatize his two new ones and ended up both sides losses... :cry2::cry2::cry2:

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yup me looking for that..

just need one for sand shifting....

nowaday hardly see any around...

when dont want see alot.. when need just 1 .. cant even find one...


saw some @ LCK110 durin' the wkend

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can someone give address of Ang Lee?? How to get there by public transport?

ang lee...... amk ave 4, blk 114, dunno how 2 take public transport...... coz i always drive there..... :P

Austin the Westie: "I may be your best friend, but you are my everything".

Lightning Strike's Back!!!

Reefkeeping Is Not My Hobby, It's My Obsession.

Austin's Birthday


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ang lee...... amk ave 4, blk 114, dunno how 2 take public transport...... coz i always drive there..... :P

bro! you driving there anytime soon?

can i catch a ride?

i understand you are at bishan area right? :P

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yup me looking for that..

just need one for sand shifting....

nowaday hardly see any around...

when dont want see alot.. when need just 1 .. cant even find one...

if you have corals u might not like this guy,his a bomber..

as in he will dirty your rocks and irritate your corals by eating and swimming along causing the sand to fly around like dropping bombs.

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Reef Reefing Reefed

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Went to Pasir Rise L35 got the New Stocks...

1. True / Flase Percula Clown

2. Queen

3. Rock Beauty

4. Altanic Blue Tang

5. Majatic , Blue Face, Emperor, Blue Ring, Blue r Angels

6. Moorish Idol....

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  • SRC Member
Went to Pasir Rise L35 got the New Stocks...

1. True / Flase Percula Clown

2. Queen

3. Rock Beauty

4. Altanic Blue Tang

5. Majatic , Blue Face, Emperor, Blue Ring, Blue r Angels

6. Moorish Idol....

wad's the price of the atlantic?

Everything's sold. Back in 2yrs time.


If it's a WRX, it gotta be STI.


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