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Actinic lights??

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hello fellow reefers.......

i learnt from someone that my blue PL light are not actinic blue..... no wonder my mushrooms dont glow anymore..................

anyway......i would like to ask... other than FL tubes... what other type of lights have actinic blue?? T5s?? or any other one??

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hi.....thanks for your replys.......

erm........i know corals cannot sustain on blue light alone.....

just wanted to make my mushrooms glow...and my current lights dont seem to be able to......

why PL has no atinic??

what lights have atnic other than FL?? :(

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  • SRC Member

Coralife PLs are true actinic but cost a bomb.

The cheapest true actinic is still FL.

There are a lot of fake actinic (i.e. blue tubes) for T5s so be careful.


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yar....i agree with Tanzy ..abt the FL antinic ...and the best is Arccida tubes and coralife FL... but the price for dymax T5 antinic is around the same price ..so i want to know weather is it true antinic or just normal blue tube? or should i play safe by using ATI

THANKS :peace:

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yar....i agree with Tanzy ..abt the FL antinic ...and the best is Arccida tubes and coralife FL... but the price for dymax T5 antinic is around the same price ..so i want to know weather is it true antinic or just normal blue tube? or should i play safe by using ATI

THANKS :peace:

i hv used arcardia b4, i still think it is pale in comparison with zoomed coral sun actinic blue 420Nm FL.

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