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AZIL'S RSR 250 Reef


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Hi reefers! 

Its my first reef build and I'm hoping to share my reef journey with all of you. I have been reading your threads on your build and made me jumped on the reef game bandwagon.

I've been running FW sys for years. It's my dream to have my own reef aquarium in ym own hope. Have moved and shifted to my new home and finally after a year CO gave me the green light to start one! My first take on reef and Your opinions/inputs are welcome.

I don't plan to burn a big hole in my wallet hence the size of my chosen tank! Smaller tank smaller equipments.. Less damage to my pockets and not to forget I'll be running my tank fully on aquaforest products. 


RSR 250 limited edition (ordering soon!) I have read and there were many rave reviews on RSR's build quality and they're popular overseas. I don't have any experience in any customization builds so I forgo the ideas. Locally there's many reputable shops that do customization but it's not up in my alley... YET! 


Equipment List

Lights: radion XR15 (x2) with single mount

Skimmer: NYOS 120

Chiller: hailea or Tecco

Biomedia: ah-ha! Need some advice. Torn between siporax/maxspect biosphere/marinepure blocks. Some having great success running on siporax but there's good reviews on the biosphere as well. Some say for the marinepure blocks have to be in a dark area and low flow. Can't make up my kind yet.

Return pumps: vectra M1. 

Wavemakers: maxspect gyres x2

Dosing: TBC. 

Rock works and sand: caribsea live rocks and sands

I'm Contemplating whether to get the Apex sys. 




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Awesome. Good luck sounds like a great build. Keep posting. RSR just launched some new tanks so check those out (xl300?), slightly more width in the tank which also means more room in the sump and equipmemt area. That no doubt will always be welcomed. Do you plan on running an ATS or Refugium? Convert filter sock area for Roller Mat?? Either way good luck. Looking forward to seeing how you progress.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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Cool! Looking forward to the build 

Biomedia: I’m using both marinepure block and and siporax 15mm at the moment. Marinepure block is really very porous, the the material is fragile and there are reports that it leeches aluminium. Siporax is very porous as well and easy to use, the material is a lot less brittle, but it’s expensive 

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The limited edition RSR appealed to my CO. She claimed it matched the theme of our home. 


I'll be running ok aquaforet sys. I think they have products to enhance the nitrification process. Hopefully it'll. Keep the nitrates and phos down. 


Clarisea roller mats cost a bomb. A roll lifespan is worth 2 to 3 months of filtering detritus is great. Maybe for now I'll mod the holder to cater to other brands 9f filter socks

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8 minutes ago, hmmm2 said:

Cool! Looking forward to the build 

Biomedia: I’m using both marinepure block and and siporax 15mm at the moment. Marinepure block is really very porous, the the material is fragile and there are reports that it leeches aluminium. Siporax is very porous as well and easy to use, the material is a lot less brittle, but it’s expensive 

That's what I read too. For now Maybe I'll get 2l.of siporax. Hoepfully it'll suffice

Edited by Azil.HA
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12 minutes ago, sjrng said:

Looks great! Looks like you've done your research.

Only other considerations might be do you want to run biopellets / rowaphos ? Chaeto reactor?

Yeah! I'm quite amazed how red sea tanks are well Built. They even updated the sump. There's a compartment for a fuge. 


Might not run them for now. I'll see how the parameters are. If need be. I'll run the AF carbon and phos minus in a reactor. 

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Check out the neat sump. Media basket was also included. I'm. Not sure if I want to install a Clarisea roller. 

8nthink it's. A 300 micron socks. The chore of having it to clean every few days. :eyeblur:


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16 minutes ago, btouareg said:

Looking good i like the marble version, i think if u want to have sps you need 3rd light maybe later since u alrdy spent alot

Hm 3 Xr15 won't be overkill?. Planning on 2 tho with their diffusers. 

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55 minutes ago, btouareg said:

he used to have 3 xr15 before swapping to ilumagic x 


check his setup 


Yes yes! Came across this video before. Gorgeous reef! 


I'll consider having 3..thanks for sharing! 

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I don't plan to run a fuge or ATS. I'll be purchasing a nyos torq to run phos. Minus and carbon. Hopefully with other AF additives and water change helps to keep the nitrate an phos low. 

It. Comes with a skimmer Compartment. I'll utilise the fuge area for Biomedias and reactor. 

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Good. Morning dear reefers! 


Anyone running the new maxspect aeraqua skimmer? I'm torn between the maxspect skimmer and nyos 160. Aesthetic vs Funtionality. 


Funtionality wise maxpect has it all. With the concealed drain line, Duo needle wheel pump, float switch in the collection cup to prevent skimmate from overflowing. Silencer at the bottom of the base (hence no air intake pipes unlike the traditional pumps), gate Valve at the front side to control the water level in the skimmer chamber. 


Nyos is an esthatically pleasant to look at. Made with high quality material and dead silent. Unlike the new RSR skimmer and maxpect nyos doesn't have a drain pipe. Seen some threads that they have to modify the default drain system on the nyos. 

Pricing wise they are about the same online. A blue note more than the nyos 160.

Any reefers currently running the maxspect pump. Keen to share your experience and the noise level produce by the skimmer? 

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On 1/28/2020 at 9:01 PM, Amol said:

The Nyos Torq does look good and seems ideal for the red sea sump. Am tempted now, :) thanks for the info

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app


I plan to run my tank simple not to much equipments on it. So you have a build thread? Will be nice to see another RSR reefer around here

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I plan to run my tank simple not to much equipments on it. So you have a build thread? Will be nice to see another RSR reefer around here
Nope no tank thread yet. Had a rough patch due to work where the tank maintenance was zero and the nitrates and phosphates shot up to 50+ and 0.5+... i am waiting for nopox and gfo to bring it down with large water changes now.

Till then will watch your and others journey here !! Hows the tank doing now

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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