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clam die last night


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my maxi died last night

but rest of the clam okie leh

don know y?

bro roidan help

one of my fav manz

ultra one leh

Eh beside the legendary clam shipment from the shop in the central 1 year ago.... There are no more ultra clam sighted.. so unless you bought from there, you could not really get an ultra

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just bought the deltec epoxy...was reading the instructions and found one of the explanation for the product interesting...it says that clams placed on the sandbed are easily attacked by bristle worms..the small ones would crawl underneath and eat the clam from below...(they recommend epoxy the base or something..didnt bother to read the rest)

you know what...a few of my clams that died on the sandbed had small bristle worms found beneath...

I always thought they were scavengers appearing when the clam was dying...hmm..... there may be some truth in this.......

(afterall the fact is provided by a very establish reef pdt company)

The only clam I have now...(more than 8 months) is a small maxima I placed among the hard rockworks ..among my sps...guess no worms visits that corner of the tank.............(touch wood)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member


My condolance.....2 of my corcea died while I was playing with my fans and chiller......I guess it cannot ta han the great swinging of temp.......27-29....sigh!.......so sad!

Now I have got 2 maxi (bought yesterday), 2 corcea and 1 giant squamosa........better keep watch......worry about my light intensity! <_<

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  • 1 month later...
  • SRC Member

hmm... anyone knows why my clam suddenly died?? I place my maxima & crocea on a higher place, then next thing both died ... one yesterday and one today.... they just shivel up and when I lift it up, there is a big hole underneath... they don't respond anymore... so I had to throw them away... :cry2:

any advise?? water perimeters are all ok...

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  • SRC Member

might be parasites.....one of my clams died when i moved it from its rock....i notice small little snails on it so my guess is its the parasites....I can't seems to get rid of them though and the rest of my clams has 'marks' on them that i guess are made by these snails....anyway, it has been 2 months since it happened but the rest of my 4 clams seems to be doing quite well (but every now and then still notice the bore mark on their shell)...I don't date to move them anymore because i suspect the snails can only get to their flesh when you remove them from the rocks....

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  • SRC Member

the clams were good and responding to the light when I bought it... in fact they have been in my tank for 2 months plus... I hope my other clams will be ok... :unsure:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I jus read this topic....can anybody tell me what will happen when the tank crashed due to delay take out of death maxi?? I m sooooo worried now cos morning i saw my maxi going to up lorry liao...that was 8am i thk, than now is 1240am next day...i read the this thread half way and jump off my chair to take out the maxi.....tested my no2 n no3...seem ok ley....but....how am i going to sleep... <_<:cry::cry2: ...pray pray...everything will be fine....

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Some one just told me that my lighting is not enough. That's y my maxi si liao. <_<

My tank dimension is 4x2x2. I m using 3 x magnum pl tube lighting. Each lighting has 4 tubes within. 1 blue n 2 white. On 2 always with switching around the white.

Is that really the cause?? Can this be justified?? :thanks:

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