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WTT some frags


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Hi All, have the following Bicolored Jawbreaker shroom for trade.

Looking to trade for premium range shrooms or zoanthids.

Please PM or watsapp with pictures of the specimen available to trade with for consideration. 

Thanks ! 




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Yellow Bounce around 1 cm available for trade.

Looking for other unique shrooms or zoanthid frags to swop with. 

Please PM with picture of the specimen to trade with for consideration. 



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This unique Corallimorph is also available for trade.


Looking to trade for unique shroom to add to collection. 

Please PM with pictures of the specimen available for discussion. 


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On 12/2/2019 at 8:15 PM, Joe_P said:

Japanese Red Goniopora frag.

Looking to trade for other color morph Gonio frag. Please PM or watsapp with picture of the frag available for trade. 




Have 3 extra frags of these for trade. 

Looking to trade for any of the following :

Sunflower zoanthids

Bizzaro, Meteor Shower, Zoolander or any interesting Cyphestrea 

Chalice, favia or Pectinias


Please PM with pictures for discussion. 


Also, a stable 2 polyped Grand Master Krakatoa is available. 


Looking to trade for premium Zoanthid or Corallimorph specimens.

Please PM or watsapp to discuss. 

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Sunflower Zoas, Bizzaro and Meteor Shower found. 

Left a Red Gonio frag to trade either for Zoolander Cyphestrea, Chalice, Favia or Pectinia frags. 

Please PM with picture of the available frag if you are keen to trade. 

Bounces and unusual Corallimorph still available. 

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Orangey Red with White Striping Discosoma available for a shroom swop.



Looking for either Discosomas or Rhodactis to trade with. 

Please PM or watsapp with pictures of the specimen available to trade for.

Thanks ! 

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Update.. the following still availlable for trade/swop.

On 12/2/2019 at 8:15 PM, Joe_P said:

Japanese Red Goniopora frag. 

Looking to trade for other color morph Gonio frag. Zoanthids or shroom considered too.





On 12/16/2019 at 6:21 PM, Joe_P said:


Yellow Bounce around 1 cm available for trade.

Looking for other unique shrooms or zoanthid frags to swop with. 


On 12/21/2019 at 3:01 PM, Joe_P said:

Yellowish Orange Bounce Shroom around 2 cm +/- available for trade.


Looking for premium shroom or zoas for trade.


On 12/21/2019 at 3:51 PM, Joe_P said:

This unique Corallimorph is also available for trade.


Looking to trade for unique shroom to add to collection. 

Please PM or watsapp with pictures of the specimen available to trade with. 

Thanks for viewing ! 

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The following mid to premium range Zoanthids are available for trade. 


NOID (3 and 4 polyp frags available)



Got these as Pink Hallucinations (Single and 2 polyp frags available)



VW Bloodshots  ( 2 and 3 polyp frags available)



Agave morph (Single polyp frag available)



Treehouse Of Terror (5 polyp frag available)


Looking to swop the above frags for mid to premium range Zoanthids or Shrooms. 


Please PM or watsapp with pictures of the frags available to trade to discuss. 

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Yellow Bounce and unique Corallimorph reserved, pending trade.

Left Yellowish Orange Bounce, Red Gonio frag and zoas. 

PM or watsapp with pictures of the specimen available for trade with if you are interested. 

Thanks for viewing ! 

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Have a spare of this Blue spotted variant of Leopard Shroom for trade.


Looking to trade for unique looking corallimorph to add to collection.

As usual, please PM or watsapp with pictures of the specimen to trade with for consideration. 

Thanks ! 

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Update, these are still available. 

On 12/2/2019 at 8:15 PM, Joe_P said:

Japanese Red Goniopora frag.

Looking to trade for other color morph Gonio frag. Please PM or watsapp with picture of the frag available for trade. 





On 12/29/2019 at 3:19 PM, Joe_P said:

The following mid to premium range Zoanthids are available for trade. 


NOID (3 and 4 polyp frags available)


Got these as Pink Hallucinations (Single and 2 polyp frags Available)


VW Bloodshots  ( 2 and 3 polyp frags available)


Treehouse Of Terror (5 polyp frag available)

Looking to swop the above frags for mid to premium range Zoanthids or Shrooms. 


On 1/3/2020 at 10:42 AM, Joe_P said:

Have a spare of this Blue spotted variant of Leopard Shroom for trade.


Looking to trade for unique looking corallimorph to add to collection.


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2 more frags of Master Krakatoa available for trade.


Single polyp Master Krakatoa


Dual polyp Master Krakatoa frag

Looking to trade for premium Zoanthids or Corallimorphs. 


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Red Gonio frag taken.

Left zoas and blue spotted leopard shroom.

If you have the following hardware and willing to trade them for frags, please PM or watsapp me.

Maxspect Razor 180w

Maxspect Razor 160w

Maxspect Gyre or Jebao wavemakers

BSI Gel Glue (preferably 50 gram tubes)

Maxspect Nanotech Bio-sphere media 

Thanks for viewing. 



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Master Kraks reserved. 


Also looking for Voodoos, Little Shop of Horrors or Red Hornets to trade for the above pictured Zoanthids or Sunkist Bounces. 



Kryptonite Jawbreaker looking to trade for Sunflower, Utter Chaos, Red Hornets frags or Shrooms. 



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Looking for more Sunflowers, Utter Chaos or any bright, fluorescent specimens. If you happen to have colonies of such and would like to trade these for mid range to premium Zoanthid polyps or shrooms, please PM or watsapp me with pictures of the specimen and discuss ! 

Thank you :D

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