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Care For Starfish?


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  • SRC Member

Hi Tango..

Wa was really hoping you'd reply with your opinion.

I don't know if it's still alive, it's just hanging out on a rock outcrop near the PH, currents are moving it but it's sticking to the rock..is that good enough?

I don't understand what you mean by ' No intestine drop out crap'..please advise...


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  • SRC Member
Hi Tango..

Wa was really hoping you'd reply with your opinion.

I don't know if it's still alive, it's just hanging out on a rock outcrop near the PH, currents are moving it but it's sticking to the rock..is that good enough?

I don't understand what you mean by ' No intestine drop out crap'..please advise...


If it is still holding on to something means it is still okay..

There is not such thing as intestine drop outs.. So I say intestine drop out is crap..

Anyway, that was my first starfish too.. It had black fingertips.. But I learnt the hard way, by introducing harlequin shrimp into my tank with my pretty starfish..


Anyway, now starfishes to me is food source for my harlequins..


Starfishes are non-toxic, or else my harlequins would have been long dead..

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  • SRC Member

Hi Tango,

So is there anything I should worry about? I mean, I was looking at wetwebmedia site and couldn't find anything similar ley.. :unsure: ..so has this happened to you before too? I mean, with the bits coming off him from under him? He's really so pretty huh? :D

So anyways, what ARE those bits of orange anyways? I saw a fish nibbling on the bits that were left behind leh.. <_<

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  • SRC Member
Hi Tango,

So is there anything I should worry about? I mean, I was looking at wetwebmedia site and couldn't find anything similar ley.. :unsure: ..so has this happened to you before too? I mean, with the bits coming off him from under him? He's really so pretty huh? :D

So anyways, what ARE those bits of orange anyways? I saw a fish nibbling on the bits that were left behind leh.. <_<

I can't really see it properly..

If you can, post another pic of it..

Cant tell..

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  • SRC Member

Maybe you can just scoop your starfish up.. See if anything is missing from it's underside..

Everything should still be intact..

I have never seen a starfish spawning.. So cant help you on that..

Just take a look on the underside..

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Tango> Will do that maybe tomorrow morning..see what happens tonight first..

Was actually thinking of doing that today, but I figured with all the goop coming out from the fella, maybe plucking him off his rock might worsen whatever condition he's going through. :blink: ..quite worried..

Thanks for your opinion and help Tango, really appreciate the input..

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I think yours is a spiny seastar..

Feeds on sponges.. May harm clams, sponges or small anemones..

Sensitive to changes in specific gravity, temperature, pH and oxygen levels encounterd during shipping, and may succumb to rapid bacterial infections that cause necrosis of the legs or whole body. Keep with live rock, from which they graze algae and microorganisms. Offer dried seaweed (Nori) or small bits of clam meat, placed under the sea star.

Some speices reproduce in aquariums. Larvae develop in the gravel.


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  • SRC Member

? hmm..ok will check up on that..thought it was one of those red sea stars..

it doesn't look like spawning to me though.. :huh: ..but will still go and do some reading up..I could have mis-ID'ed the thing..

I guess nothing I can do anyways, just leave to fate...if it's meant to be it's meant to be.. :cry:

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Tango> I found a diagram of the inside of a star..I'm beginning to suspect it really is the star's innards..look at the diagram of the ray of the star..there's a central line with bubbles on each side within the ray...I think this is what's coming out from my star. :cry:


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