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  • SRC Member

What are the fastest or best way to remove nitrates? Mine are around 50. Even with alt days changing of 20% water. Some of my fishes have fallen ill.1572452505008.thumb.jpeg.9d2b8709ac3d31cf41cd49dbe025f27e.jpeg
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You need to identify the reason of high nitrate.

Livestock overloaded?
Feed too much?
Got use Vitamin supplement?

Try feeding less but increase feeding frequency and see how.
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You need to identify the reason of high nitrate.

Livestock overloaded?
Feed too much?
Got use Vitamin supplement?

Try feeding less but increase feeding frequency and see how.
I do have quite a lot of livestock in the tank but i don't think that would be the reason why the nitrates doesn't drop.

I feed once a day. But sometimes i will throw just enough so the cbs is able to take some of the pellets. Else it will start attacking fishes. Sometimes i will take some roasted sea weed and put small pieces piece by piece to let fishes eat.

I do have very fine grain live sand and rock. The wavemaker and fishes sometimes stir the sand a little.

Running a protein skimmer. Water inside is always green nowadays

Chemical filters using jireh amophos and activated carbon.

Also using jirehs additives.

So nt really sure what is the problem.
So far made 2 water changes over 3 days. Still at 50ppm for nitrates. Thinking of using a small hangover refugium with chaeto to control it.

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Try to syphon the sand too.My nitrate went down after 1 week of 20% water change everyday.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

What was your before and after nitrate level? I do vacuum the sand but not sure if any dirt is coming up. Either i set the suction to high and it sucks alot of sand up or low and not sure if any dirt comes up.

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  • SRC Member

What’s your system’s total volume? If your tank is pretty large, small 20% water changes aren’t gonna do much at all, even if you do multiple. The massive water vol will just nullify the wc. Needs bigger % changes upwards of 50 if you really wanna see a dent.


Try carbon dosing



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  • SRC Member

I do have quite a lot of livestock in the tank but i don't think that would be the reason why the nitrates doesn't drop.

I feed once a day. But sometimes i will throw just enough so the cbs is able to take some of the pellets. Else it will start attacking fishes. Sometimes i will take some roasted sea weed and put small pieces piece by piece to let fishes eat.

I do have very fine grain live sand and rock. The wavemaker and fishes sometimes stir the sand a little.

Running a protein skimmer. Water inside is always green nowadays

Chemical filters using jireh amophos and activated carbon.

Also using jirehs additives.

So nt really sure what is the problem.
So far made 2 water changes over 3 days. Still at 50ppm for nitrates. Thinking of using a small hangover refugium with chaeto to control it.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

Livestocks will be the main contributor especially if you have tangs.

I do carbon dosing and refigum but no matter how hard I try I just can't get my NO3 below 15ppm. Always stuck at 30ppm.

After your water change did you do a test few hours later to see how much NO3 is reduce?
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Livestocks will be the main contributor especially if you have tangs.

I do carbon dosing and refigum but no matter how hard I try I just can't get my NO3 below 15ppm. Always stuck at 30ppm.

After your water change did you do a test few hours later to see how much NO3 is reduce?

I put my tang in a quarantine tank nw as it always swims sideways and cant balance itself. Just got it like 1 week ago i think. Was lying on the sand bed then i took it out on case the cbs eats it. Anw its still really small.

The test kit always shows red. So should be about 50ppm.

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What’s your system’s total volume? If your tank is pretty large, small 20% water changes aren’t gonna do much at all, even if you do multiple. The massive water vol will just nullify the wc. Needs bigger % changes upwards of 50 if you really wanna see a dent.
Try carbon dosing
Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
Probably about 70 litres. Normally i change about 12 litres of water but dont make much difference.

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  • SRC Member

I put my tang in a quarantine tank nw as it always swims sideways and cant balance itself. Just got it like 1 week ago i think. Was lying on the sand bed then i took it out on case the cbs eats it. Anw its still really small.

The test kit always shows red. So should be about 50ppm.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

Erm I will suggest you buy a Salifert NO3 test kit to test and see if the result is the same or not.

If yes, try to do 30% water change every 2 days for 3 times.

At the end, if your NO3 still raise up very fast then u need to consider reduce your livestocks or do carbon dosing.

Btw do you have alot of bio media? If you don't have enough, your anaerobic bacteria also no place to grow.
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  • SRC Member

I put my tang in a quarantine tank nw as it always swims sideways and cant balance itself. Just got it like 1 week ago i think. Was lying on the sand bed then i took it out on case the cbs eats it. Anw its still really small.

The test kit always shows red. So should be about 50ppm.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

btw, your tang maybe having swim bladder issue. Do treat it asap.
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Erm I will suggest you buy a Salifert NO3 test kit to test and see if the result is the same or not.

If yes, try to do 30% water change every 2 days for 3 times.

At the end, if your NO3 still raise up very fast then u need to consider reduce your livestocks or do carbon dosing.

Btw do you have alot of bio media? If you don't have enough, your anaerobic bacteria also no place to grow.

Ok. My tank back has a mid section full of those coral chips and volcanic rocks or something with 1 white, black filter sponge, 1 bag of amophos and 1 bag of activated carbon.

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btw, your tang maybe having swim bladder issue. Do treat it asap.
I put the tang in a small tank and put some medications cos it has a little white spots also. Might just be sand as it was always lying on the sand bed but just in case. Nw like no more white spots after i took it out.

Dosing praziquentel mainly. But also acriflavine, malachite green and formaldehyde.

Its nw balancing but nt swimming upwards. Still feeding though. Might put it back after another 4 days as thrs a bigger volume of water in the main tank.1572563835935~2.jpeg

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  • SRC Member

Ok. My tank back has a mid section full of those coral chips and volcanic rocks or something with 1 white, black filter sponge, 1 bag of amophos and 1 bag of activated carbon.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

Erm I afraid coral chip is not pores enough. you may want to consider buying some proper bio media like sera siporax, maxspect sphere.

Try not to have any sponge in the tank. If you using filter wool then change it when is turn brown.
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  • SRC Member

I put the tang in a small tank and put some medications cos it has a little white spots also. Might just be sand as it was always lying on the sand bed but just in case. Nw like no more white spots after i took it out.

Dosing praziquentel mainly. But also acriflavine, malachite green and formaldehyde.

Its nw balancing but nt swimming upwards. Still feeding though. Might put it back after another 4 days as thrs a bigger volume of water in the main tank.1575736262_15725638359352.thumb.jpeg.ab1f3393886ed390506383d7b3061746.jpeg

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White spot will drop off after a few days. Try observe 1 or 2 more weeks before u put back to main tank.

If BT show no sign of sickness then don't need to treat it anymore. Just feed more nutrition food to boost the immunity. Give this little guy a small pcs of seaweed daily.
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Erm I afraid coral chip is not pores enough. you may want to consider buying some proper bio media like sera siporax, maxspect sphere.

Try not to have any sponge in the tank. If you using filter wool then change it when is turn brown.
Ok. Normally i wash the filter then squeeze it and put it back lol

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White spot will drop off after a few days. Try observe 1 or 2 more weeks before u put back to main tank.

If BT show no sign of sickness then don't need to treat it anymore. Just feed more nutrition food to boost the immunity. Give this little guy a small pcs of seaweed daily.
I read online that flakes might make them like this also. Giving it lesser in case it bloats its stomach

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