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Reef octopus Essence

Clement Chen

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Just want to give my 2 cents about the skimmer, as I don't see as much hype for this skimmer as compared to the Nyos and Red sea skimmers.

I had just started up my tank which is about 400L including sump for about 3 months. I started with a second hand deltec 600ix but was never able to get it working to what I expected, in the end I sold it off and got a reef octopus skimmer.

First impression was that it was very well built with quality materials and extremely easy to assemble. All you needed was to fit the body on to the base plate and click the corner holders to lock it in place. No need to screw anything, it was a breeze.

When I first started it up I was impressed as it started producing good quality bubbles just a few hours in. Here's a picture of it. You can see it started pulling out gunk already.


It did over flow once or twice as it did not have the same fail safe to prevent overflow as the deltec 600ix. Now it works like a champ. 

Here is a pic after running for about 2 months. I had just emptied the cup via the DIY tap. I got to say it is really a solid skimmer and deserves some more credit.



Here's the pros and cons


-Only one size available

-Doesn't have a overflow fail safe (Most skimmer do not have it too)

-Nothing really much cons to talk about


-Easy to remove skimmer cup, just twist

-Easy to disassemble to clean


-Skims very well 

-Easy to adjust water level via the valve

All in all would recommend this skimmer! Also I had bought the calcium reactor from reef octopus and it works well too.


Clem's Clam Corner (Decommed)

60cm x 40cm x 30cm Tank

Nano tank reboot v2.0

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