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Clownfish host anemone


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Does anyone know an effective method to make the clownfish host anemone? Mine tend to stay at the corner of the tank. Initially it hosts my elegance .. but after a day, it went back to the corner of the tank.



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there are youtube videos showing the use of a plastic tube to slide clownfish down into the nem in a bid to force hosting. long story short, it is alot of effort for a result that would probably occur naturally with time. clownfish are pretty (cutely) stupid fish, and will stick their heads and bodies pretty much everywhere. the wife used to be very worried our clownfish would not host our nems (which were introduced only a year after we had them); took a few months but they eventually realised they could stick their heads and asses into the nems - now impossible to separate them. good luck!


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  • SRC Member

Most of the clowns available in the hobby are compatible with bubbletip anemones. Carpet anemones are least fish-safe especially in smaller tanks. I had one that ate a filefish about as large as its disc before.. as for how to get them to host, usually they will eventually find their way to an anemone that’s unoccupied, unless they are Super comfortable with hosting other corals that replicate the comfort of an anemone to them. Sometimes, they don’t host anything at all. It really is up to the individual Clownfish, though usually I find that the more threatened they feel the more likely they are to seek out anemones. If there’s nothing in your tank that makes it wary, they tend to swim around in the open a lot more which might explain why some of them don’t seem to want to host anything.

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  • SRC Member

Does anyone know an effective method to make the clownfish host anemone? Mine tend to stay at the corner of the tank. Initially it hosts my elegance .. but after a day, it went back to the corner of the tank.
Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
I think the issue most of the clown fish sold are not from the wild. They do not know about hosting anemones. Same thing in my tank. I read that if you somehow force them into tight situations and the clown fish start to come into contact with the anemone, they will start to host.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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