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Mimic Saddle Puffer

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  • SRC Member

I believe you are confused by the two. One is a filefish called the Mimic Saddled Filefish(paraluteres prionurus) while the other is called the Blacksaddled Toby(canthigaster valentini).

I used to have it before putting it up for adoption. It is a very hardy species but beware of its diet. Can challenge with cowfish and boxfish in terms of gluttonious proportions. Can keep in pairs but males will fight and can also keep with more docile fish.

Btw...to differentiate them...the toby has more distinctive markings of the spots especially near the area below the jaw and has bluish lines along the top length of the head towards its body.

Hope this suffices... :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

U really think the mimic filefish is hardy? I'm contemplating between getting a picasso trigger or a mimic filefish. I'd really like a trigger cos of their personality and hardiness. But I lack space in my home, so the best substitute would be a mimic filefish. Any second opinion on files being as hardy as triggers?

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