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Let's see your marine tanks!

Achilles Tang

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Hi everyone, to kick off our two day old forum board, I would like to invite you all to introduce yourselves and post pix of your marine tanks!

B) It would your chance to share with your fellow reefers your own piece of the ocean!

My current tank is a mess now because I had to take everything out to shift the tank into a temporary place and put everything back in a hurry. I can't wait to shift everything into my new tank but I have to have patience!

But to start off... here are some pix of my old tank!


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Pls lah Phang... beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

Everyone's tank is setup in their own special way so no need to be paiseh... I tell you, there are even better tanks than mine out there!

Here's how to post:

Just click on the IMG button to link to a photo that's on a website already or you can attach a graphic file below by clicking on the browse button and then attach and then go!

It'll appear... but try to keep your images below 800 pixel width or for those who have small monitors will have to scroll a lot horizontally! :lol:

Good luck!

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No lah....

Fishes all hiding... corals not fully open....

camera available only at wrong timing.... no own camera....

will pos again when corals fully open and fishes swimming....


BTW, this tank is home to 1 pygmy angel, 2 mandarins, 1 blenny, 1 redfin longtail (always hiding), 1 six line, 1 maroon clown ........

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thanks guys... :P

tank spec: -

the size of the tank is 6' X 2' X 2.5'. i'm using a overflow system. a sump tank of 4' x 1.5.

equipments : -

protein skimmer


1/2 h.p. chiller

pump (can't recalled the flow rate, above 4000l if not wrong)

lighting: -

2 x 36w actinic blue and 12 X 36w pl (10k).

*currently saving to get a metal halide.

bro achilles and all who have posted your pics,

you tank are equally nice and beautiful. each have it's own unique & design. 'beauties is in the eyes of the beholder'

cheers and have a nice day.


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Iwasakis 6500k? So you want to go for high PAR?

Luckily you have in mind to get 3 x actinics or everything will look very yellow!

Why don't you get a HQI fitting instead? Seems like the colours of 10,000k HQIs are very pleasing.

Just my opinion. :ph34r:

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HQI , HQI fittings...huh???

Sorry, stil a little blur regarding MHs.

Actually the reason i'm getting Iwasakis 6500k is due to their bulb life.

heard that 10000k bulbs lose their intensity pretty fast .. would be expensive replacing... so opt for 6500k and then supplement with actinics for the blues....

heard also that coral actually benefits more from high PAR....

Archilles ... maybe can give reviews of the different MHs bulb and equip in your product review section... since ultimately many of us reefers would be using them... once bitten by the reef bug and you are forever........... :P


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