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Let's see your marine tanks!

Achilles Tang

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Hi Morgan,

Your clams are very nice...

I have 2 now... both croceas...

Am thinking of getting more for my new setup... but couldn't find the kind in your reef setup...

Where do you get them...esp those Blue Maximas and the Squamosa...

They are great!!!!!!!


Anyone else know where I can get clams with such colouration????

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Where did you get the clams pic from?

Did you read about the problem they had with clams spreading disease, dying a couple of months back on the US forums.

Some of them had their whole collection of clams dying over period of 2 to 3 weeks.

I not sure you want problematic clams coming into Singapore since the demand in the US may be low due to the above.

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Those clams are from Pohnpei and Vanuatu... they are indeed very beautiful but they also come with a virus that kills clams in a very short time.

I know that we have locals who are breeding clams in Indonesia but they are not reserving them for the local market but exporting them.


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TRW corals and clams came from Figi when I got my acro.

Pretty near where the problematic clams came from.

Unrelated topic : I think you need a permit (CITES) to bring clams and maybe corals for sale. Heard of problem with AVA recently.

Life stocks are going to be more diffcuilt to come in and more expensive!! ;)


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CITES stands for Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.

Clams are one of the protected marine species, especially Giant Clams.

I think the license will be applicable to prove that cultured clams or corals are imported instead of wild-caught ones which are banned or allowed in highly controlled quantities.

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Try reposting your pix again.

Please resize it to something smaller... it's way too big. A guideline would be about 640 pixel wide.

I like the first pix I had to delete (due to half pix displayed).

Very warm colours!

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Nice tank, Wsiong!

And welcome to the Singapore Reef Club forums!

oh... you have a chili coral. Would advise you to keep it in a low light, high flow area.

They are prone to algae growing on them and that affects their polyp extension.

Also... they tend to slough off their skin from time to time...

Chili coral polyps tend to come out during the darker hours too.

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Thanks for the compliment Archilles.

I just bought the chilli coral from Pac Marine yesterday together with the jewel coral.

This tank is a dream come thru for now. :P Always wanted a reef tank since I was a boy.

I keep drooling when I see the bigger tank pics being posted here.

Well, as you guys always say...Be patient. :D

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