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Phosphate High nitrates low

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  • SRC Member

Hi reefers,


Anyone can advise on why my nitrates is low but phosphate high, currently no fish in DT cos running fallow, Fuge growing cheato and caulerpa nicely, is it possible macro need certain amount of nitrates for it to lower phosphate??


Currently trying rowaphos in filter bag, but seems no use, no space run reactor, any other methods of phosphate control?


Nitrates : 0

phosphate: 0.4-0.5




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  • SRC Member

Hi reefers,
Anyone can advise on why my nitrates is low but phosphate high, currently no fish in DT cos running fallow, Fuge growing cheato and caulerpa nicely, is it possible macro need certain amount of nitrates for it to lower phosphate??
Currently trying rowaphos in filter bag, but seems no use, no space run reactor, any other methods of phosphate control?
Nitrates : 0
phosphate: 0.4-0.5
Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

Your GFO put at high flow area?

I don't think marco algae need the balance but without NO3 maybe they grow rate will be slower. I only know carbon dosing need the Redfield ratio.

I will suggest to do a 20% to 30% WC and see.
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  • SRC Member
3 hours ago, Otaku Reefer said:

about 4weeks, anyway i started using aquaforest nitraphos minus, will update if see improvement

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

I doubt this will reduce ur phos especially since ur nitrate is at very low level. 

In ur case if u want to go carbon dosing route, you have to dose nitrate as well. 

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  • SRC Member
I doubt this will reduce ur phos especially since ur nitrate is at very low level. 
In ur case if u want to go carbon dosing route, you have to dose nitrate as well. 

not sure leh, the nitraphos minus say if nitrates less than 2 phosphate higher than .03, dose 1.5ml/100l anyway i dosing half dose see see first. maybe they got add some other stuff, anyway the LFS told me customer switch to this from NoPox got +ve results

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  • SRC Member
32 minutes ago, Otaku Reefer said:


not sure leh, the nitraphos minus say if nitrates less than 2 phosphate higher than .03, dose 1.5ml/100l anyway i dosing half dose see see first. maybe they got add some other stuff, anyway the LFS told me customer switch to this from NoPox got +ve results

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app


I see. Hope it works well! 

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quick update my phosphate drop from 0.469 to 0.144ppm, just after few days of half dosing nitrophos minus, but cant really conclude as i started dosing red sea abcd ard same time, means iron is dosed, so its either the nitrophos minus really effective or the dosed iron effect...anyway i stop both dosing both for now and will monitorIMG_0211.JPG

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