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Zeovit system. Anyone using?

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I was talking to one of the lfs and he mentioned that he may be bringing in some of the above. After surfing in RC, not much infor can be obtained, seem like the US not in favour/believe of this German method of using zeolite to create low nutrient aquarium system to bring out the vibrant colour of the sps.. Some threads that i found: RC zeovit system discussion..

The main thing that catch my interest is the claim that it is able to create poor nutrient aquarium system that is suitable for sps and the ability to bring out the "colour"!! And i do have to agree that the German has mostly very nice and colourful sps tank and the secret may lie somewhere with it as well? :huh: So is wondering whether any one has any experience with it? Personally has never seen it locally in any lfs before...

Their official website is : Korallen

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PR have the full zeovit system in stock. You can check out with them. 1 pack of Zeovit is good for up to 400L of water. They have Zeovit, Zeobak, Zeofood and Zeo dunno what :P

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Bought the complete set more than 4 months back. Did not ask him or has not been there for some time already. He should still have some stock. Why not give him a call.

Clams showed good growth, some small frags of acro coloured up. Bought them 'brown' from LCK to rescue them.

The concept is like dosing Volka as to what I know.

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Cool.. The reason i asked is cos' according to some reviews that i came across, it seem to suggest that the low nutrient in the water has kind of help to compensate the lower light environment and still able to get the sps to colour up! And can i assume u are a believer since u are going to have it in your new bigger tank as well?? ;)

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I'm quite interested in this Zeovit system but would like to understand better the mechanisms to its effectiveness. The website is filled with pseudo-technical gibberish that doesn't really explain anything.


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I'm trying to do that as well but just can't seem to get enough infor in English from the web. From his website, i can only said that there are many nice looking tanks in Germany! :o And btw, Tanzy i am still hoping that u (from a chemical standpt) are able to understand it technically and give us a more layman explanation.. Or someone who can read German will be helpful to give us some extra infor from the web.. :lol:

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  • SRC Member

Translated version :) hehehhe not perfect though.


A milestone in the Meerwasseraquaristik

The 4 points for the revival and biological cleaning of your aquarium.

1 ZEOBAK bacteria 10ml bottle € 11,00/50ml bottle = € 49,00

To the stimulation of the filter material and many important bacterial cultures.

Dosage ever 100 of litres of 1-2 drops per day only the first 10-14 days and during new filling.

2 ZEOFOOD 6 CONCENTRATE 50ml bottle € 11,00/100ml € 22,00/500ml? 79,00

Reduces nitrate and nitrite in connection with Zeobak, also for basins without Zeovit be suitable-accelerated substantially the bacteria growth, which the basis of biological recover, for nutrient-poor aquarium systems and water be-nourished at the same time korallen in the form of many amino acids and special high-quality vitaminen. Dosage: Daily for each 100L/1-2 drop, or for each 1000L 2-3ml, this can be increased depending upon trimming and water load by the double.

3 ZEOVIT - NATURE ZEOLITE MIXTURE 1L = 400L water € 11,00

Momentarily three different zeolites, fourth is in the test. Removes many pollutants, animated and strengthened in connection with Zeobak and Food the biological equilibrium, the water becomes living and nature near nutrient arm.

Work time ca.8-12 weeks depending upon water load , afterwards and on -oder exchanges material old under (river direction of the filter) the new material a handful gives (animpfen). Please before use well rinse out new Zeovit.

Please on OZONE and or UV sterilisatoren completely do without, at least switch off or during proportioning the bacteria for a few hours.

4 activated charcoal for the distance of Nessel nessel-und other poison materials je1000L/1L coal e.g. of price, Grotech, serums or our own.


After a long test row of this procedure, we can say today that it is very simply possible, the most difficult kinds of reef picture ducks Steinkorallen, e.g. from Fiji, Tonga, Salomon, Micronesien, of holding Marschalinseln in their metallic natural extreme color. The aquarium water is revived biologically, strongly cleaned and naturally hold it skimers becomes extremely dark dirt, as out-foam to tar.

Their older korallen will once naturally umfaerben themselves into their color in the sea, the fabric particularly from many Acroporas become brightly, like bloom and strong shining. The colors will will strongly change extremely, strongly shining and with metallic Effekt.Das polyp picture, the polyps expand also in the light phase very strongly.

Miracle drug? The duration of the process depends on the respective contamination of your water and aquarium and can drag on over several months or weeks, thus who wants to see the effect after a few days, which should leave the hands of our system, who exhibits however the necessary Gedult and time will of suppl.-smooth-eats more than being inspired. The Zeovit should not be overdosed, not be had there with to fast lowering of the nutrients the korallen the necessary time to the new water conditions to change itself over. The same applies to Zeobak and Zeofood, since also a part of these two products by korallen are used, advises against we an overdosing urgently. Furthermore you should reduce the trace elements addition to 5% of the manufacturer data, before all with iodine . Nutrient arm applies for 400ml/L to all water parameters also to approx., been sufficient, or KH 6-8 is completely sufficient, this saves also money, unfortunately only your money.

Employment: The Zeovit should be flowed around strongly, thus pot filters or schnellfilter in the filter sump or directly in the basin, the bacteria inclusive. Fodder can to the aquarium or to the filter sump be given, I guess/advise to you with addition the skimer off for ca.1 hour to switch. Furthermore you should the first 8-12 weeks on water additives (iodine, traces, strontium u.s.w.) do without to any kind.

Weichkorallen, Lederkorallen and shells: We have up to now still no negative effects neither with Tridacnas or Weichkorallen (Xeniden, Keniabaeumchen, Sinularias) u.s.w. It was noticeable that the Xeniden (different kinds) remains very fast pumps and nature-similarly kurzwuechsig and no more like a long sausage to grow. (fun must be)

This system constant improved by us and further developed further also regarding the price.

For questions I am to you at any time gladly at the disposal. Tel. 09561 871377


Trade prices on request - order in the Shop, by telephone, fax, or E - Mail

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  • SRC Member

The german and english text doesn't provide much info at all. There's hardly any useful science that I can gleam from it. I can't help in anyway.

...most difficult kinds of reef picture ducks...


I doubt we will ever know how it works because it's obviously an industrial secret.


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  • SRC Member
The german and english text doesn't provide much info at all. There's hardly any useful science that I can gleam from it. I can't help in anyway.


I doubt we will ever know how it works because it's obviously an industrial secret.

i also dont know what that means....Online(software) translation..wont be 100% perfect.


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I have investigated this Zeovit stuff for a long time already and I have a friend overseas who is trying to convince me for some time that I should try it.

The first 'no' factor was that my tank is too large and its too cost prohibitive.

The 2nd was that my tank has a substrate which affects the working efficiency of this Zeovit system.

Thirdly, the 'food' content and how exactly it accomplishes what it is supposed to do is not properly explained.

Fourthly, I have some info which I need to dig out from another reefer overseas who has information that may not cast positive light on the Zeovit system.

There is simply not enough proof available that it works and it justifies that kind of cost. Believe me, I don't mind trying but not on my tank... maybe at my office? :yeah:

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AT, i can fully understand your concern on pt 1 & 3 but where did u get the infor for pt 2? I remember reading in RC that cwye (something like that) manage to have both DSB and zeovit system and he seem pretty happy about the effect? But of course most sps tanks (which uses his zeovit system) that he showed it in his website are not using dsb which is very common for German? :huh:

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AT, i can fully understand your concern on pt 1 & 3 but where did u get the infor for pt 2? I remember reading in RC that cwye (something like that) manage to have both DSB and zeovit system and he seem pretty happy about the effect? But of course most sps tanks (which uses his zeovit system) that he showed it in his website are not using dsb which is very common for German? :huh:

Every method has it's essence that only trying and mastering that method to your specific tank will bring out the best in your tank. Even DSB has it's downfall.

I don't use Zeovit cause the $$$$$, else no harm trying. If you got $$ to spare why not.

Just remember every method has it's pro & cons + everyone can be master of his method n application with proper knowledge.

Anyway I already have very colorful SPS with my own recipe, why change = this apply to you as well => your confidence in your existing method, if existing method doesn't work well to your liking, trying something new doesn't matter even if it doesn;t turn out good.- nothing to loose........

An example is that I don't use DSB, not a single grain of sand, but I feed my corals everyday -(I find feeding corals is worst than fsh, since a lot of food is lost in the system), but my NO3 & PO4 reading is zero. There are people there who swear on DSB and stated that w/o DSB u are gone .....NO3 will kill you......................is it true? :blink:



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From what I gather with my overseas frens, zeovit system is better work without a sandbed. If sandbed is already establish in your tank, you will require a greater amount of zeovit to work on your tank and the time does span much longer to see any result. Simply put it, DSB will slow down zeovit performace by releasing trapped nutrients over a period of time.

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Max, thanks for your view. It is always great to hear your comment (right to the pt)!

And u are right, i am starting a new tank all over again and i am not confident of the existing method. Simply put, i am not getting a chiller (due to family concern), which mean that i am not going to have 250w mh at least, which mean that i am going for T5, which is why i am not confident that i can keep colourful sps and this system seem to be able to help out a bit (from all their claiming).. fyi, i am not planning for dsb as well (i'm going for more current) but may consider a dsb refugium (due to concern on nitrate). So for your case, how do u manage to keep nitrate/phos at zero? Do u have a refugium? or nitratefilter?

So back to dsb, the reason why i am asking again is to see whether the concern that many bring up in RC (regarding them calling dsb as a nutrient sink). My suspicion is that they (the German) do believe that it is releasing some back to the system? And seem like Hon has kind of confirmed that? Hmm.. this is getting interesting! :D

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  • SRC Member
Max, thanks for your view. It is always great to hear your comment (right to the pt)!

And u are right, i am starting a new tank all over again and i am not confident of the existing method. Simply put, i am not getting a chiller (due to family concern), which mean that i am not going to have 250w mh at least, which mean that i am going for T5, which is why i am not confident that i can keep colourful sps and this system seem to be able to help out a bit (from all their claiming).. fyi, i am not planning for dsb as well (i'm going for more current) but may consider a dsb refugium (due to concern on nitrate). So for your case, how do u manage to keep nitrate/phos at zero? Do u have a refugium? or nitratefilter?

So back to dsb, the reason why i am asking again is to see whether the concern that many bring up in RC (regarding them calling dsb as a nutrient sink). My suspicion is that they (the German) do believe that it is releasing some back to the system? And seem like Hon has kind of confirmed that? Hmm.. this is getting interesting! :D

I've the same experience with DSB as well. I do not want to commend more....as there are die hard fans on DSB- individual preferences. Anyway, there's a trick or two to keep PO4 & NO3 down and there's also a trick or two with T5, not just the height nor depth. someday we can chat over it. :)


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Maxima... what kind of tricks do you have? ;)

Berlin-style tanks means you have to have very little fish/controlled feedings + very good skimmer + use of good ample liverocks to accomplish low levels of PO4 & N03 down. Some people even use a denitrator + loads of phosphate removers to help. Any other interesting 'tricks' that I left out?

T5s need to be paired with good reflectors and good ballasts to bring out their best. What other tricks are there? :huh:


Yup... as Hon has stated, the German Zeovit guy doesn't recommend DSBs to be used in conjunction with the Zeovit system coz of the reason Hon gave.

Simply, how this system works is that is makes the water so starved of ammonia, nitrites, nitrates & other nutrients that the SPS corals have no way of absorbing nutrients from the water and brown up as a consequence of zooxanthellea overgrowth but now has to rely totally on light... and thus develop the colourful UV pigments when there is good lighting and to prevent possible oversaturation that causes bleaching.


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  • SRC Member
Maxima... what kind of tricks do you have? ;)

Berlin-style tanks means you have to have very little fish/controlled feedings + very good skimmer + use of good ample liverocks to accomplish low levels of PO4 & N03 down. Some people even use a denitrator + loads of phosphate removers to help. Any other interesting 'tricks' that I left out?

T5s need to be paired with good reflectors and good ballasts to bring out their best. What other tricks are there? :huh:


Yup... as Hon has stated, the German Zeovit guy doesn't recommend DSBs to be used in conjunction with the Zeovit system coz of the reason Hon gave.

Simply, how this system works is that is makes the water so starved of ammonia, nitrites, nitrates & other nutrients that the SPS corals have no way of absorbing nutrients from the water and brown up as a consequence of zooxanthellea overgrowth but now has to rely totally on light... and thus develop the colourful UV pigments when there is good lighting and to prevent possible oversaturation that causes bleaching.


I think all experience SPS reefers know that daily feeding of SPS cause more problems than having several fish in a tank -provide yu don't over feed yr fish?

First - I don't use denitrator.

Second - I don't use tons of Rowaphos - last me mths per use

Third - Rowaphos can last much longer than Contraphos - already reviewed & tested on a European website :)

Fourth - good T5 reflector is the key - forget about china made T5 and your neighhood DIY - unless a DIY using SiO2 material + computerized reflector cutting and bending.

Fifth- the tricks lah :)

I think the basic requirement is still to feed the corals on a daily basis and these will easily bring the NO3 & PO4 up..........I think feeding corals bring up the PO4 & NO3 faster than anything. Most SPS corals are opportunistic predators and alot of the food we feed go to waste and turns into nutrients

I think there are a few extreme reefers in RC that do not have fish and do not feed their corals - maybe this fall into the category of zero bioload.


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  • SRC Member
Maxima... what kind of tricks do you have? ;)

Berlin-style tanks means you have to have very little fish/controlled feedings + very good skimmer + use of good ample liverocks to accomplish low levels of PO4 & N03 down. Some people even use a denitrator + loads of phosphate removers to help. Any other interesting 'tricks' that I left out?

T5s need to be paired with good reflectors and good ballasts to bring out their best. What other tricks are there? :huh:


Yup... as Hon has stated, the German Zeovit guy doesn't recommend DSBs to be used in conjunction with the Zeovit system coz of the reason Hon gave.

Simply, how this system works is that is makes the water so starved of ammonia, nitrites, nitrates & other nutrients that the SPS corals have no way of absorbing nutrients from the water and brown up as a consequence of zooxanthellea overgrowth but now has to rely totally on light... and thus develop the colourful UV pigments when there is good lighting and to prevent possible oversaturation that causes bleaching.


Agree with this statement:


Yup... as Hon has stated, the German Zeovit guy doesn't recommend DSBs to be used in conjunction with the Zeovit system coz of the reason Hon gave.



Simply, how this system works is that is makes the water so starved of ammonia, nitrites, nitrates & other nutrients that the SPS corals have no way of absorbing nutrients from the water and brown up as a consequence of zooxanthellea overgrowth but now has to rely totally on light... and thus develop the colourful UV pigments when there is good lighting and to prevent possible oversaturation that causes bleaching.


Totally wrong

SPS cannot produce enough food thru light using photosynthesis since not enough nutrient to go along. You need nutirent + light for photosynthesis -have you forgot your basic secondary lesson? :D BTW the recent findings is that high desity zoos are brown and low desnity zoos can be colored- I think you have beed too busy to read up?

For Zeovit user, why bleaching?

Several facts

1. too low nutrient so not enough for food for corals

2. Total loss of zoos since no nutrient, liht is useless, so zoos in corals will be wasted away, resulting in bleaching.

So how Zeovit work?

1. Thomas Pohl advise to use amino acids daily and vitamins as well. This is controlled dosing and feedings and the right combination will result in the color-up of SPS, since the SPS do not need to depend on light for food. The color of SPS will lighten up as such. AND these lighten coloration is a reduction in zoos density, but still useful in producing food at a lower rate. The UV-a, UV-b & UV-c of the MH or T5 will give a coloring cast on the SPS resulting in the fluo-colorations.

But as AT mentioned, u do not necessary need to use Zeovit, since if you are capable of maintain a perfect low nutrient thru

1. Refugium


3 Skimmer

U still can get good result. Zeovit is not necessary invincible. AND BTW, there are are a few other method out there that work equally well or not better.

As I always said, applications + personal knowledge of your own system is the key.

BTW, Thomas Pohl have not or for purpose do not want to tell the essence of his method, else everyone can invent something base on the theory. Well I just stated the THEORY :):)


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