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baby coming! selling off everything!


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all LR are gone... thank you for the interest.. now Livestock clearance at cheap prices

Blue tang - $30 - eats well, sleeps well, ick hardy. NOW $20

Purple tang - $30 - well fed and eats well NOW $20

tomato clown - $2

anemone - $5

damsels - free with purchase.

elephant ear (35 cm when open up) $40 NOW $30

lawnmover algae blenny - $5

tube anemone ( yellow) $10

mushrooms - $5

polyps - $5

lps- some branch dead liao - $5

starfish -$5

snail and hermit crab- $5 for all u can find in the tank

live sand- free for all

powerheads - bigs and small - $5 - 8

sump tank 2.5 ft - $20

ibox medium - $80

lights 4ft 4xPl . need some replacement bulbs - $100

weipro 2012 $40

eheim cannister.. $50

many others.. come and see and offer price.. if ok sell on the spot.

addictives and stuffs to go as well.

4ft tank and cabinet - curved glass tank with 12mm glass. black cabinet(with sump tank) $600

coral chips, bioballs and others will be given free with tank purchase


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  • SRC Member

i want blue tang :lol: .20 bucks. i also reserved the Pt for mr niceee. we are the serious buyers . pls lets us buy it. come on. that time , i already book thr blue tang firstly. hope u make me as your buyer :lol:

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Blue tang - $30 - eats well, sleeps well, ick hardy. NOW $20 - SOLD

Purple tang - $30 - well fed and eats well NOW $20 - SOLD

tomato clown - $2

anemone - $5

damsels - free with purchase.

elephant ear (35 cm when open up) $40 NOW $30

lawnmover algae blenny - $5

tube anemone ( yellow) $10

mushrooms - $5

polyps - $5

lps- some branch dead liao - $5

starfish -$5

snail and hermit crab- $5 for all u can find in the tank

live sand- free for all

powerheads - bigs and small - $5 - 8

sump tank 2.5 ft - $20

ibox medium - $80

lights 4ft 4xPl . need some replacement bulbs - $100

weipro 2012 $40

eheim cannister.. $50

many others.. come and see and offer price.. if ok sell on the spot.

addictives and stuffs to go as well.

4ft tank and cabinet - curved glass tank with 12mm glass. black cabinet(with sump tank) $600

coral chips, bioballs and others will be given free with tank purchase


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sorry vicky.. i cant wait now cos my LR are gone .. the system won't sustain for long..

the rest of the corals and fish going cheap too..

so r the rest of the setup... pls sms me soon.. cos i want to clear all at low cost..

free live sand.. grade zero and grade 1.. about 10 kg.. great for new setup..

sms me at 90077827 or pm me if u want to view

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Interested in your sand. PM you liao.


Previous Tank 3 x 2.5 x 2 ft since year 2005. 23 Jan 2009 fully decom my 3ft. Now only left 24"x14"x16" and I am very happy cos can see all my fish in near range.. haha

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  • SRC Member

Hi...What are the actual dimensions for the tank and glass thickness. Is it a local brand like jebo or jewel? What will be your best price for the tank, cabinet, sump, lite, and half the LRs, as I have abt 30kg LRs already in my 3 ft tank. Thanks

The Universal Law of Cause and Effect a.k.a the Mystic Law manifested in the Universe as Nam-Myoho-Renge-kyo. For World Peace and Human Happiness.

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  • SRC Member

weird tank... ur sump is not in your cabinet? because U never drill hole in tank and cabinet issit? Your cabinet sentre door spoil? You have hood? was considering to buy untill I saw the pic.

Live and Let Live

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