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Acodestny Reefing journey


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  • 6 months later...
  • SRC Member

Long time no update.... Since the last upgrade, melted a few sps and due to the previous job requiring me to travel liek crazy I lost tons of Live stock...

Now at my new job n with Covid going on, decided it is time to stabilise the tank!

Changed to a new skimmer tat can go up to 2000l
Added a bunch of rocks, now my scape have even more space for corals....
Hooked up a jebao doser.... Added another bunch of sps frags from a reefer!

Tank powered by Aquaforest n Orhpek. IMG_20200403_135358.jpegIMG_20200402_151729.jpegIMG_20200402_110814.jpegIMG-20200328-WA0005.jpegIMG-20200328-WA0004.jpegIMG-20200328-WA0002.jpegIMG-20200328-WA0006.jpegIMG-20200328-WA0003.jpegIMG_20200401_211526.jpeg

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Think this Cb period is not very good haha... Stay at home nth to do keep adding things haha.... To further stabilise my parameters... Added a secondary chamber for my CR....

Calibrate my ph probe.... Cannot remind pple the importance of calibration periodically. My ph probe show 7.4 ph when I m using a ph 7 calibration solution. Meaning when my controller is at 6.5, it is actually close to 7 rather than 6.5 haha! Monitoring now and hopefully things will be btr!

Trying out ARM extra coarse media instead cos the Skimz media dun seem to be able to maintain my Kh.

Hopefully my sps can grow grow grow haha! IMG_20200411_135616.jpeg

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  • 1 month later...
  • SRC Member

During this Cb time, made some minor refinements to my tank...

After adding the additional chamber for my CR, realise my Calcium is maintained but my dkh is still dropping at 0.5kh a day. Hooked up a 1.5l mineral water to my wifi doser using Seachem Reef builder... But consumption is crazy at 160ml a day. I mix till the powder cannot dissolve anymore haha. Make me wonder the benefits of CR when my net cost of dosing from balling didnt decrease much.

Re-arranged my reactor to the front as it gets replacement media more frequently.
Changed my orphek v4 setting from coral growth to coral colour mode and it is supported by 2 Or2 bars. Intending to upgrade to run 2 v4s and remove the 2 Or2 bars in the near future. Happy to see some of my sps are growing IMG_20200427_155922.jpegIMG_20200421_201407.jpegIMG_20200411_220048.jpeg

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

Yet another equipment replacement.... My second hand autoroll tat I got 2 years ago failed and bought the new one... Abt 20% smaller in terms of footprint.... Now sump not as packed hahaa! Did a more detailed maintenance for my sump, vaccumming out all the dirt, washed my skimmer, reactor... And took a top down view photo of my current tank... Quite satisfied with the growth since upgrading last Aug.... Coming a year soon and definitely doing btr den my old 3ft where I melted count less corals... Thks to Orhpek n AF haha!

Aim to add another v4 and venture into more demanding sps soon IMG-20200523-WA0027.jpegIMG_20200523_154632.jpeg

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

12 June 2020... A milestone of my tank.... Decided to bite the bullet and install Apex to my tank!

Swapped out some of my equips

1. Maxspect gyre for Apex Wav
2. Jebao wifi doser for Apex Dos
3. Ph controller for Apex ph controller to control my CR directly.

Took my return pump, chiller pump and chiller out for a vinegar bathe.

Set up of Apex was a horrible experience as I was using my android phone to do it. It is a lot more apple friendly but once it is set up and linked up, it works the same.

Redid all my wiring and also Swapped out my extension plugs to wifi plugs for those equipment tat does not need to be monitored by apex but yet want some ability to control haha!

After 3 days of using Apex I can say if you are looking just for a controller dun bother, but a monitor and controller and a mentor... Go for Apex... Definitely worth the investment...the amount of pre programmed task, how you can log your results of test kits of any major brand and they convert it to the results u nid and plot graphs, the notification they give via emails haha just make me forget abt second guessing my tank.

The last piece of the jigsaw will be when trident is here and it will link up with Dos to control my dosing automatically haha! IMG_20200613_080349.jpegIMG_20200612_164324.jpegIMG_20200612_164258.jpegIMG_20200612_161158.jpegIMG_20200612_154403.jpegIMG-20200612-WA0003.jpegIMG_20200612_160702.jpeg

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  • 1 month later...
  • SRC Member

12 Aug....

First time my investment on Apex saved my tank.... I cannot stress the importance of an aquarium controller any further haha!

My extension plug from wall to apex, the plug suddenly turn faulty cutting power from my whole tank.

As I had the apex heartbeat function on, I got multiple emails informing my Apex is off line from 3pm when I am in office. By 3.30pm I know something is not right as it is still off line! Finish up my meeting, rush home and true enough my whole tank had stopped. Had I not known n continue with my original plans, not sure what will happen by the time I m home at past 11pm haha!

Created a mini gonio garden, added a clam, a splendid dottyback, a wrasse n a gobyIMG-20200814-WA0021.jpegIMG_20200815_092112.jpegIMG-20200815-WA0017.jpegIMG_20200814_200647.jpeg

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  • 9 months later...
  • SRC Member

After a period away from corals..... Back with a vengence... Haha...

Took abt 3 mths to restock my tank with a mixture of sps n lps. Now that tank is even more mature....

What is amazing is my myagi tort which had no takers the last time I decomm, not only survived but thrive and became a nice colony haha....

Acclimatising mollies for my white ribbon eel.... IMG_20210530_203052.jpegIMG_20210528_215115.jpegIMG_20210524_195113.jpeg

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
  • SRC Member

Been awhile since I updated my tank

During this time... Did a minor rearrangement and added more Lps....finally got my dream coral... 24k gold torch!

Now my torch garden

1. Holy grail
2. 24k gold
3. Hellfire
4. Dragon soul
5. Unknown torch

Time to pray for my corals to grow grow grow! IMG_20211031_224448.jpgIMG_20211101_175012.jpgIMG-20211030-WA0007.jpgIMG_20211023_133417.jpgIMG_20211023_133357.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...

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