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AquaC EV-120


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  • SRC Member

anyone here can help with the tuning of my skimmer?

i read the manual... not effective...

i opened the air valve completely and tuned the gate valve to the level above the top partition inside the black box...

today i got very very wet foam... the skimmate was flowing out at one point...

i'm having this problem as i upgraded my pump from 700l/h at 6ft to 1800l/h at 6ft... still 200l/h below recommended tho...

anyway what should i do... close the air valve more? or lower the height of water in the chamber?

thanks guys! hope you can help! :P

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  • SRC Member
anyone here can help with the tuning of my skimmer?

i read the manual... not effective...

i opened the air valve completely and tuned the gate valve to the level above the top partition inside the black box...

today i got very very wet foam... the skimmate was flowing out at one point...

i'm having this problem as i upgraded my pump from 700l/h at 6ft to 1800l/h at 6ft... still 200l/h below recommended tho...

anyway what should i do... close the air valve more? or lower the height of water in the chamber?

thanks guys! hope you can help! :P

close air value completely and set your water 1cm or 2cm above the black arcylic box & open the air value fully. You should get result very soon. Else your pump have a problem. Never turst a pump rating, especially those not-reputable brands.........U using a German pump????

B) Max

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I had followed your same advise the other day after you left.

Found that the spray injector was choked till left 10% and that was why my EV-240 was not foaming properly, many big bubbles.

Now I follow your advise to tune it properly and it worked greatly and of course the bubbles are much finer :P No more burping too.

The other two place you like to check is the air valve and spray injector, make sure they are not choked.

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  • SRC Member

Hmmm, i always tot that the water level should be at the internal mixing chamber level.. have raised the water level and monitoring now.

Weileong, with the air valve complete closed and the speedfit covered, what water level are you maintaining with your md55?

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I had to use a ball valve to cut down the flow.

What Maxima is saying is that with the air valve close and for the case of EV-240 you need to cover the john guest fitting too. Adjust the water level so that it is 1-2cm above the black box.

Once you open the air valve fully the water level will drop already. Now mine collect very dry skimmate!

Of course the more powerful the pump, the lower you have to set the water level. MD55 is way too powerful for your EV-240 so a ball valve is a must. I closed mine abt 30%. Yes waste electricity but waiting for new skimmer.

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  • SRC Member

i've tried what maxima suggested but it hasn't worked yet...

i'm guessing its because it hasn't broken in yet...

anyone using the EV-120 here?

i'm wondering if the suggested height above the black box is reduced, as 1cm-2cm is for EV-240 right?

correct me if i'm wrong...

my old pump used the marking inside the black box, which is at the line near the top of the black box... it was able to skim out thick bubbles, but very little skimmate IMO... the pump was also underpowering the skimmer as i checked with the AquaC pple themselves...

more suggestions please guys?

thank you! ;)

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New pumps may contain traces of oil which will throw off the charge equilibrium the skimmer achieved earlier. Coupled with the change in throughout, technically, you'll have to start over again.

1) Open the gate and air valve completely.

2) Close the gate valve in half turns till the water level within the skimmer body is about 1 inch above the internal platform.

3) Start closing it in minute adjustments; every interval requires a lead time before it can stabilise, so do not re-adjust too quickly. Patience is a virtue.

4) Adjust the foam level along the foam tower for wet or dry skimmate; whichever is only a matter of personal preference. I find cleaning the skimmate cup a bitch so I like mine wet, like girls in T-shirts.

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  • SRC Member

ERm. regarding the settings:

What i got from the instructions manual is to set the water level withing 1/2 " of the internal platform. ;)

I've been using this setting for the past few mths, and got dry.. real dry skimmate.

I dare not try to raise any higher as the instructions: "do not raise the water level 1-2" higher than the internal plateform."

any experts can clearify? :blink: I very blur on this also

Thank you :peace:

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