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Caribsea Live Rocks

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Hi everyone,

Planning to get back to reefing. Last tank was 8 years back. Gona prolly start a small tank.

Been going ard, getting updates to new technologies and methods. Much have changed I must say.

Anyways long story short.

Anyone has experience using the Caribsea Live rocks (or any other kind dry rocks)?

My thoughts, but do correct me if I am wrong.

Dry Rocks

- Not pests

- I assume less chances of any unwanted chemicals/bio leaching from the rocks

- Some come in nice shapes and sizes

Traditional "Live" Live rocks

- Look more natural

- Contains useful bacterial


I read a bit and found some reefers sharing that some of the dry rocks starts to create problems long the way.

1. Nusiance algae start to grow on the dry rocks and not the real live rocks although both are present in the tank

2. Sps not encrusting to the dry rocks

3. Discolouration

4. Water turn milky in colour when cycling the rocks into the tank.

Can anyone please share your experiences with these rocks as I have always used live rocks.





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  • SRC Member

When I started I used live rocks. But there was lots of hitch hikers both good and bad. In the end I restarted and bleached all the rocks.

I'm starting a new tank now and decided to get caribsea dry rocks. I am cycling it now in a bucket. At first there was lots of foam like from soap. But I read that was normal and removed some of the foam and water. Now it's fine. Im also dosing microbe lift special blend to get it started.

Clem's Clam Corner (Decommed)

60cm x 40cm x 30cm Tank

Nano tank reboot v2.0

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I am also using Caribsea live rocks, main tank has just finished cycling, about 2 months. I haven't switched on the lights, so not sure about nuisance algae issue. But My qt tank which has some caribsea rocks went through the normal diatom phase which lasted 3-4 days, addition of snails solved it all. 

Didnt experience the foam but there was slight discoloration. 

Sps should encrust as per norm as I have used these rocks before in a previous setup.

If you can afford time to get live rocks and bleach/cure them, it would be the best route. Else the caribsea gives you a piece of mind but the seeding of bacteria and cycling imo takes longer. I used dr tims as well as brightwell microbacter 7.


I Love Stagsss

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

Got back in the hobby after many many years. Used the caribsea shapes for my new tank which is around a few months old. Fish only tank, but planning to have some simple corals when i have the time. 

So far it is a positive experience, no major algae outbreaks, but i am using GFO ever since i added water in the tank. I simply rinse them in RO water to get rid of the dust and throw them in the tank. The purple colour will fade a bit after 2-3 months, which personally i am not too concern with. Box comes with arches and caves, and it makes the aquascape relatively easier.

Only negative point i can think of is the price. A bit expensive for a few piece of man made rock.

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