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clam eating slug


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  • SRC Member

Last 2 weeks reported the sudden death of my Maxi and suspected it to be high temp because the pipe to the chiller was twisted. The clam was found dead with gasping and can see a hole right through to the sand bed....

Today, came back home and found 2 of my newly purchase clams in the same position :( . Found a slug on one of them...was so angry that took it out and tear it to pieces!!! so not DC photos to show... :P

Anyway unlike the other time, the hole seems to be smaller and the 2 clams seems to be closing properly...although one of them seems to keep blowing bubbles.... :cry:

Anyway, have any bro encounter this type of problem before?(many bro seems to report problem with their clams) is the slug the cause of my clams problem?

I'm afraid there might be more of these clam eating slugs around...any bro got any idea how to 'clean' out all these slug?

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  • SRC Member

just a small update.....after yesterday night incident, one of the inflicted clam has detacted from its rock....unfortunately, a big chuck of it's underside seems to have been seperated and is stuck to the rock...

seems to be opening and closing normally and reacting to shadow...pray hard that it will pull through....

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