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Overall speed for all vs individual convenience

Achilles Tang

I took away the latest/most popular threads links on the left column because it was responsible for causing the server to slow down massively. Yet, there have been calls to restore these features... there has to be a compromise somewhere... pls vote!  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. I took away the latest/most popular threads links on the left column because it was responsible for causing the server to slow down massively. Yet, there have been calls to restore these features... there has to be a compromise somewhere... pls vote!

    • 1. I want the convenience of having the latest/most popular threads seen automatically and I don't mind experiencing having a massive slowdown in the forum.
    • 2. I don't mind personally having to navigate with a min 1 - max 3 clicks everytime I want to see the latest threads/most popular threads. It is more important for me to have a very fast forum for easier browsing.

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I took away the latest/most popular threads links on the left column because it was responsible for causing the server to slow down massively. Yet, there have been calls to restore these features... there has to be a compromise somewhere... pls vote!

Decide about:

1. I want the convenience of having the latest/most popular threads seen automatically and I don't mind experiencing a having a massive slowdown in the forum.


2. I don't mind personally having to navigate with a min 1 - max 3 clicks everytime I want to see the latest threads/most popular threads. It is more important for me to have a very fast forum for easier browsing.

You guys have to consider very carefully... and I hope the majority of you will vote because the silent majority will always lose to the loud minority... but of course, I still have overall say... LOL!! :lol:

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Bear in mind there is this cool feature called... My Assistant.. seen on the top right hand.

It shows:

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  • SRC Member

Wow, I never realised SRC had such a neat feature (My Assistant) until u mentioned it AT....hahahah.....I tink it actually replaces the need to have the Latest Thread thingy rite? Cause the guys who want to see them can just use this 'Assistant' to access the info they want....

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  • SRC Member

Hi AT,

personally, i think the 'assistant' feature is very cool and easy to use. I am sure many will soon realise how useful this function is. One question though:

The assistant will call up all the posts not visited since the last log on. What happens if i have been inactive for a long period and it automatically churn out loads of posts? Can i delete them without having to go through all? Will there be an option to mark all as read? I was once forced to open and close all the non visited posts to 'wipe off' the posts. I may be wrong here.

Please advice.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

Duh!! :idea: I'm so stupid!! :P

I had never noticed the "view new posts" feature... really stupid... :look:

Then I agree, no need for for the latest active threads box!!!

Let's speed it up :yeah: !!!

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